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There are 20 words containing A, 2C, D, I, P and U

ASCLEPIADACEOUSasclepiadaceous adj. (Botany) Relating to the milkweeds.
ASCLEPIADACEOUS adj. belonging to the Asclepiadaceae, the milkweed and swallowwort family.
CAPPARIDACEOUScapparidaceous adj. (Botany) Belonging to the family Capparidaceae (preferred: Capparaceae) of capers and close relatives.
CAPPARIDACEOUS adj. of the Capparidaceae family of plants, related to the crucifers, and including the caper.
CENTUPLICATEDcentuplicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of centuplicate.
CENTUPLICATE v. to centuple.
CHENOPODIACEOUSchenopodiaceous adj. (Botany) Of or relating to the family Chenopodiaceae (goosefoots) (now subfamily Chenopodioideae).
CHENOPODIACEOUS adj. belonging to the goosefoot family.
CONCEPTUALISEDconceptualised v. Simple past tense and past participle of conceptualise.
CONCEPTUALISE v. to form a concept of, also CONCEPTUALIZE.
CONCEPTUALIZEDconceptualized v. Simple past tense and past participle of conceptualize.
CONCEPTUALIZE v. to form a concept of, also CONCEPTUALISE.
CONDUPLICATEconduplicate adj. (Botany) Of leaves: folded (doubled) lengthwise.
CONDUPLICATE adj. folded lengthwise with the upper surface inwards, e.g. on a leaf folded along the midrib.
CONDUPLICATIONconduplication n. Doubling.
conduplication n. (Botany) An instance of being conduplicate.
CONDUPLICATION n. the state of being conduplicate.
CONDUPLICATIONSconduplications n. Plural of conduplication.
CONDUPLICATION n. the state of being conduplicate.
NUCLEOCAPSIDnucleocapsid n. (Biology) The core structure of a virus, consisting of nucleic acid surrounded by a coat of protein.
NUCLEOCAPSID n. the nucleic acid and surrounding protein coat in a virus.
NUCLEOCAPSIDSnucleocapsids n. Plural of nucleocapsid.
NUCLEOCAPSID n. the nucleic acid and surrounding protein coat in a virus.
PSEUDOCLASSICpseudoclassic adj. Falsely classic.
pseudoclassic n. A work that is falsely claimed to be a classic.
PSEUDOCLASSIC adj. pretending to be or erroneously regarded as classic.
PSEUDOCLASSICSpseudoclassics n. Plural of pseudoclassic.
PSEUDOCLASSIC n. an imitation classic.
PUNDITOCRACIESSorry, definition not available.
PUNDITOCRACYpunditocracy n. A group of political pundits who are thought to have too much influence.
UNACCOMPANIEDunaccompanied adj. Travelling without companions.
unaccompanied adj. (Music) performed or scored without accompaniment; solo.
UNACCOMPANIED adj. not accompanied.
UNACCOMPLISHEDunaccomplished adj. Not accomplished; Not having occurred or been successfully carried out.
unaccomplished adj. Not accomplished; having few skills or achievements.
UNACCOMPLISHED adj. not accomplished.
UNCOMPLICATEDuncomplicated v. Simple past tense and past participle of uncomplicate.
uncomplicated adj. Simple, not complicated, basic.
UNCOMPLICATED adj. not complicated by something outside itself.
UNPRACTICEDunpracticed adj. Not practiced; inexperienced.
unpracticed adj. Not carried out in practice; not usually done.
UNPRACTICED adj. not practiced, also UNPRACTISED.
UNRECIPROCATEDunreciprocated adj. Not reciprocated.
UNRECIPROCATED adj. not reciprocated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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