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There are 17 words containing A, 2C, D, H, M and T

CHECKMATEDcheckmated adj. (Chess) Having a king in check with no possible move to escape check, thus losing the game.
checkmated adj. (Figuratively) Suffering a personal loss with no obvious chance to escape the loss.
checkmated v. Simple past tense and past participle of checkmate.
DICHROMATICdichromatic adj. Having two colors.
dichromatic adj. (Pathology) having a form of colorblindness in which only two of the three primary colors can be distinguished.
dichromatic adj. (Zoology) having two independent channels for conveying color information in the eye.
CROSSMATCHEDcrossmatched adj. (Medicine, of donated blood) Shown to be compatible with that of a recipient, not only in blood type…
DICHROMATICSDICHROMATIC n. a person with dichromatic vision.
MACHICOLATEDmachicolated adj. Having machicolations.
machicolated v. Simple past tense and past participle of machicolate.
MACHICOLATE v. to furnish with machicolations.
HOMOSCEDASTIChomoscedastic adj. (Statistics) Having the same finite variance for all elements.
HOMOSCEDASTIC adj. of equal scatter or variation; having equal variances.
COUNTERCHARMEDcountercharmed v. Simple past tense and past participle of countercharm.
COUNTERCHARM v. to destroy or dissolve the effects of (another charm).
COUNTERMARCHEDcountermarched v. Simple past tense and past participle of countermarch.
COUNTERMARCH v. to march or cause to march back or in a direction opposite to a former one.
DICHROMATICISMDICHROMATICISM n. the property of presenting different colours by transmitted light, when viewed in two different directions.
DITHIOCARBAMICDITHIOCARBAMIC adj. as in dithiocarbamic acid.
PSYCHODRAMATICpsychodramatic adj. Pertaining to psychodrama.
PSYCHODRAMATIC adj. relating to psychodrama.
TRICHOMONACIDEtrichomonacide n. Any substance that kills trichomonads.
TRICHOMONACIDE n. an agent used to destroy trichomonads.
BRACHYDACTYLISMBRACHYDACTYLISM n. abnormal shortness of fingers and toes.
DICHROMATICISMSDICHROMATICISM n. the property of presenting different colours by transmitted light, when viewed in two different directions.
SADOMASOCHISTICsadomasochistic adj. Of or relating to sadomasochism or sadomasochists.
SADOMASOCHISTIC adj. relating to sadomasochism.
TRICHOMONACIDALtrichomonacidal adj. Destructive to trichomonads.
TRICHOMONACIDAL adj. relating to a trichomonacide, an agent used to destroy trichomonads.
TRICHOMONACIDEStrichomonacides n. Plural of trichomonacide.
TRICHOMONACIDE n. an agent used to destroy trichomonads.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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