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There are 17 words containing A, B, O, R, 2T and X

RATTLEBOXrattlebox n. A toy that makes a rattle sound; a rattle.
rattlebox n. An American herb (Crotalaria sagittalis), whose ripe seeds rattle in the inflated pod.
rattlebox n. Any species of Crotalaria, a genus of yellow-flowered herbs, with inflated, many-seeded pods.
CHATTERBOXchatterbox n. (Informal) One who chats or talks to excess.
chatterbox n. A cootie catcher (children’s fortune-telling device).
chatterbox n. (Computing) Synonym of chatterbot.
EXORBITANTexorbitant adj. Exceeding proper limits; excessive or unduly high; extravagant.
EXORBITANT adj. going beyond the usual limits; (esp. of prices) excessive.
EXORBITATEexorbitate v. (Obsolete) To go out of the track; to deviate.
EXORBITATE v. (obsolete) to stray.
PRATTLEBOXprattlebox n. A talkative person; a chatterbox.
PRATTLEBOX n. a prattler, a chatterbox.
EXORBITATEDexorbitated v. Simple past tense and past participle of exorbitate.
EXORBITATE v. (obsolete) to stray.
EXORBITATESexorbitates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of exorbitate.
EXORBITATE v. (obsolete) to stray.
RATTLEBOXESrattleboxes n. Plural of rattlebox.
RATTLEBOX n. any of various tropical and subtropical plants with inflated seedpods within which the seeds rattle.
CHATTERBOXESchatterboxes n. Plural of chatterbox.
CHATTERBOX n. a talkative person.
EXORBITANTLYexorbitantly adv. In an exorbitant manner, excessively.
EXORBITANT adv. going beyond the usual limits; (esp. of prices) excessive.
EXORBITATINGexorbitating v. Present participle of exorbitate.
EXORBITATE v. (obsolete) to stray.
PRATTLEBOXESprattleboxes n. Plural of prattlebox.
PRATTLEBOX n. a prattler, a chatterbox.
BACTERIOTOXINbacteriotoxin n. Any toxin produced by a bacterium.
bacteriotoxin n. Any material that is toxic to bacteria.
BACTERIOTOXIN n. a toxin of bacterial origin.
EXPORTABILITYexportability n. The property of being exportable.
EXPORTABILITY n. the state of being exportable.
BACTERIOTOXINSbacteriotoxins n. Plural of bacteriotoxin.
BACTERIOTOXIN n. a toxin of bacterial origin.
EXPORTABILITIESEXPORTABILITY n. the state of being exportable.
HYDROXYBUTYRATEhydroxybutyrate n. (Chemistry) any salt or ester of hydroxybutyric acid, but especially of gamma-hydroxybutyric acid.
HYDROXYBUTYRATE n. as in gamma hydroxybutyrate, a substance that occurs naturally in the brain, used medically as a sedative but also as a recreational drug and alleged aphrodisiac.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 182 words
  • Scrabble in French: 13 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 20 words

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