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There are 18 words containing A, B, L, N, Q, R and U

CONQUERABILITYCONQUERABILITY n. the capacity for being conquered.
CONQUERABLEconquerable adj. Capable of being conquered or subdued.
CONQUERABLE adj. that can be conquered.
CONQUERABLENESSconquerableness n. The quality of being conquerable.
CONQUERABLE n. that can be conquered.
EQUILIBRANTequilibrant n. A force equal to, but opposite of, the resultant sum of vector forces; that force which balances other…
EQUILIBRANT n. a force that will balance one or more unbalanced forces.
EQUILIBRANTSequilibrants n. Plural of equilibrant.
EQUILIBRANT n. a force that will balance one or more unbalanced forces.
EQUILIBRATINGequilibrating v. Present participle of equilibrate.
EQUILIBRATE v. to bring into or keep in equilibrium.
EQUILIBRATIONequilibration n. The formation, or maintenance, of an equilibrium.
EQUILIBRATION n. the act of equilibrating.
EQUILIBRATIONSequilibrations n. Plural of equilibration.
EQUILIBRATION n. the act of equilibrating.
FREQUENTABLEfrequentable adj. Accessible.
FREQUENTABLE adj. that can be frequented.
LAMBREQUINlambrequin n. A scarf or other piece of material used as a covering for a helmet.
lambrequin n. (Heraldry) A heraldic representation of such an item, typically with one end pendant.
lambrequin n. (US) A short decorative drapery for a shelf edge or for the top of a window casing; a valance.
LAMBREQUINSlambrequins n. Plural of lambrequin.
LAMBREQUIN n. (French) a veil over a helmet; a strip of drapery over a window or doorway.
NONEQUILIBRIAnonequilibria n. Plural of nonequilibrium.
NONEQUILIBRIUM n. lack of equilibrium.
QUINALBARBITONEquinalbarbitone n. (Pharmacology) A sedative-hypnotic compound, 5-allyl-5-(1-methylbutyl)-barbituric acid, used to sedate…
QUINALBARBITONE n. an anaesthetic and sedative drug derived from barbiturate, aka secobarbital.
QUODLIBETARIANquodlibetarian n. One who discusses any subject at pleasure.
QUODLIBETARIAN n. a self-satisfied, disputatious person.
QUODLIBETARIANSquodlibetarians n. Plural of quodlibetarian.
QUODLIBETARIAN n. a self-satisfied, disputatious person.
UNCONQUERABLEunconquerable adj. Not conquerable; indomitable.
UNCONQUERABLE adj. incapable of being conquered.
UNCONQUERABLESSorry, definition not available.
UNCONQUERABLYunconquerably adv. In an unconquerable manner.
UNCONQUERABLE adv. incapable of being conquered.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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