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There are 19 words containing A, B, 2L, M and 2T

ALBUMBLATTalbumblatt n. (Music) A short instrumental composition, usually performed on the piano and light in character.
ALBUMBLATT n. (German) a short occasional instrumental composition, usually light in character.
ALBUMBLATTERalbumblatter n. Plural of albumblatt.
ALBUMBLATT n. (German) a short occasional instrumental composition, usually light in character.
ALBUMBLATTSalbumblatts n. Plural of albumblatt.
ALBUMBLATT n. (German) a short occasional instrumental composition, usually light in character.
BALLOTTEMENTballottement n. (Medicine) A method of diagnosing pregnancy, in which the uterus is pushed with a finger to feel whether…
ballottement n. (Medicine) An increased amount of fluid in the suprapatellar pouch of the knee.
BALLOTTEMENT n. a technique of feeling for a movable object in the body, esp. confirmation of pregnancy by feeling the rebound of the fetus following a quick digital tap on the wall of the uterus.
BALLOTTEMENTSballottements n. Plural of ballottement.
BALLOTTEMENT n. a technique of feeling for a movable object in the body, esp. confirmation of pregnancy by feeling the rebound of the fetus following a quick digital tap on the wall of the uterus.
BATHOMETRICALLYBATHOMETRIC adv. relating to a bathometer, an instrument for measuring depths.
BATHYMETRICALLYbathymetrically adv. In a bathymetric way.
BATHYMETRICAL adv. relating to measurement by a bathymeter, also BATHYMETRIC.
BIMETALLISTbimetallist n. An advocate of bimetallism.
bimetallist adj. Advocating bimetallism.
BIMETALLIST n. a practitioner of bimetallism.
BIMETALLISTICbimetallistic adj. Relating to, or supporting, bimetallism.
BIMETALLISTIC adj. relating to bimetallism.
BIMETALLISTSbimetallists n. Plural of bimetallist.
BIMETALLIST n. a practitioner of bimetallism.
GLIOBLASTOMATAglioblastomata n. Plural of glioblastoma.
GLIOBLASTOMA n. a malignant tumour of the central nervous system.
ILLIMITABILITYillimitability n. Quality of being illimitable.
ILLIMITABILITY n. the state of being illimitable.
MELTABILITIESmeltabilities n. Plural of meltability.
MELTABILITY n. the quality of being meltable.
MELTABILITYmeltability n. The state or quality of being meltable.
MELTABILITY n. the quality of being meltable.
MULTILOBATEmultilobate adj. Having more than one lobe.
MULTILOBATE adj. having many lobes.
MULTILOBULATEmultilobulate adj. Multilobulated.
MULTILOBULATE adj. having many lobules, also MULTILOBULAR.
THERMOLABILITYthermolability n. (Uncountable) The condition of being thermolabile.
thermolability n. (Countable) The extent to which a material is thermolabile.
THERMOLABILITY n. the state of being thermolabile, easily decomposed by heat.
THUMBSTALLthumbstall n. A utensil, consisting of a plate or boss with small depressions, used to push a needle by the action…
thumbstall n. A sheath, usually made of leather or rubber, used to guard or protect the thumb.
thumbstall n. A pad or cushion worn on the thumb; pouncer.
THUMBSTALLSthumbstalls n. Plural of thumbstall.
THUMBSTALL n. a covering or sheath for the thumb.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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