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There are 13 words containing A, B, 4L and Y

WALLYBALLwallyball n. (Uncountable) A fast-paced sport, a version of volleyball played in a racquetball court, where it is…
wallyball n. (Countable) The ball used in this sport.
WALLYBALL n. a ball game played on court.
VOLLEYBALLvolleyball n. (Uncountable) A game played on a rectangular court between two teams of two to six players which involves…
volleyball n. (Countable) The inflated ball used in such a game.
volley-ball n. Alternative spelling of volleyball.
WALLYBALLSwallyballs n. Plural of wallyball.
WALLYBALL n. a ball game played on court.
ILLIBERALLYilliberally adv. In an illiberal manner.
ILLIBERAL adv. narrow-minded, intolerant or prejudiced.
VOLLEYBALLSvolleyballs n. Plural of volleyball.
VOLLEYBALL n. a game played by volleying an inflated ball over a net.
BALLETICALLYballetically adv. In a balletic way.
BALLETIC adv. relating to ballet.
POLYSYLLABLEpolysyllable n. A word with more than two syllables. Sometimes used in a more restricted sense.
POLYSYLLABLE n. a polysyllabic word.
SYLLABICALLYsyllabically adv. In terms of syllables.
SYLLABICAL adv. (obsolete) syllabic, also SYLLABIC.
BALLISTICALLYballistically adv. In a ballistic manner.
ballistically adv. With regard to ballistics.
BALLISTIC adv. relating to projectiles.
POLYSYLLABLESpolysyllables n. Plural of polysyllable.
POLYSYLLABLE n. a polysyllabic word.
POLYSYLLABICALpolysyllabical adj. Alternative form of polysyllabic.
POLYSYLLABICAL adj. having more than one and usually more than three syllables, also POLYSYLLABIC.
HOLOBLASTICALLYholoblastically adv. In a holoblastic manner.
HOLOBLASTIC adv. of an entire egg, separated into individual blastomeres.
TRISYLLABICALLYtrisyllabically adv. In three syllables.
TRISYLLABICAL adv. having three syllables, also TRISYLLABIC.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 109 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: 1 word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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