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There are 16 words containing A, B, I, 3R and V

CORROBORATIVEcorroborative adj. Serving to corroborate.
corroborative n. (Dated) a medical tonic; a corroborant.
CORROBORATIVE adj. serving to corroborate.
CORROBORATIVELYcorroboratively adv. In a corroborative manner.
CORROBORATIVE adv. serving to corroborate.
CORROBORATIVEScorroboratives n. Plural of corroborative.
CORROBORATIVE n. that which serves to corroborate.
INTERVERTEBRALintervertebral adj. Between the vertebrae.
INTERVERTEBRAL adj. between vertebrae.
IRRECOVERABLEirrecoverable adj. Not recoverable; incapable of being recovered.
irrecoverable adj. That cannot be recovered from or made good; irremediable.
IRRECOVERABLE adj. not capable of being recovered or rectified.
IRRECOVERABLYirrecoverably adv. In an irrecoverable manner; beyond recovery.
IRRECOVERABLE adv. not capable of being recovered or rectified.
IRREPROVABLEirreprovable adj. Not reprovable; irreproachable.
IRREPROVABLE adj. blameless.
IRREPROVABLYirreprovably adv. In a irreprovable manner; irreproachably.
IRREPROVABLE adv. blameless.
IRRETRIEVABLEirretrievable adj. Not retrievable; irrecoverable; irreparable.
IRRETRIEVABLE adj. not retrievable.
IRRETRIEVABLYirretrievably adv. In an irretrievable manner; irrecoverably.
IRRETRIEVABLE adv. not retrievable.
REVERBATORIESreverbatories n. Plural of reverbatory.
REVERBATORY n. a furnace in which the flames are made to pass over the substance being heated; a reverberatory furnace or kiln.
REVERBERATINGreverberating v. Present participle of reverberate.
REVERBERATE v. to continue in or as if in a series of echoes, to resound, also REVERB.
REVERBERATIONreverberation n. A violent oscillation or vibration.
reverberation n. An echo, or a series of overlapping echoes.
reverberation n. The reflection of light or heat; a reflection in, or as though in, a mirror.
REVERBERATIONSreverberations n. Plural of reverberation.
REVERBERATION n. an act of reverberating.
REVERBERATIVEreverberative adj. Tending to reverberate or reflect.
REVERBERATIVE adj. constituting reverberation.
REVERBERATORIESreverberatories n. Plural of reverberatory.
REVERBERATORY n. a kind of furnace.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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