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There are 14 words containing A, B, G, 3N and O

ABANDONINGabandoning v. Present participle and gerund of abandon.
abandoning n. An act in which something or someone is abandoned; abandonment, neglect.
ABANDON v. to leave or give up completely.
ANTIBONDINGantibonding adj. (Chemistry, physics) Describing an atomic or molecular orbital whose energy increases as its constituent…
BANDOLININGbandolining v. Present participle of bandoline.
BANDOLINE v. to apply pomatum to the hair.
BROBDINGNAGIANbrobdingnagian adj. Alternative letter-case form of Brobdingnagian.
Brobdingnagian adj. Of or pertaining to Brobdingnag.
Brobdingnagian adj. (Figurative) Enormous, huge, far larger than is customary for such a thing.
CANNONBALLINGcannonballing v. Present participle of cannonball.
CANNONBALL v. to go like a cannonball.
MOUNTEBANKINGmountebanking v. Present participle of mountebank.
MOUNTEBANKING n. acting as a mountebank.
MOUNTEBANKINGSMOUNTEBANKING n. acting as a mountebank.
NANOPUBLISHINGnanopublishing n. Blog-based publishing intended for a certain niche audience.
NANOPUBLISHING n. online, low-cost publishing which utilizes blogs and techniques based on blogging in order to target a specific audience.
NANOPUBLISHINGSNANOPUBLISHING n. online, low-cost publishing which utilizes blogs and techniques based on blogging in order to target a specific audience.
NONBANKINGnonbanking adj. (Finance) Outside of banking.
NONBANKING adj. not connected with banking.
NONBEARINGnonbearing adj. Not bearing (Fruit, a load, etc.).
NONBEARING adj. not taking a load.
NONBREATHINGnonbreathing adj. Not breathing.
NONBREATHING adj. not breathing.
NONNEGOTIABLEnonnegotiable adj. Not negotiable; not subject to negotiation.
nonnegotiable n. Something that is not negotiable.
non-negotiable adj. Not negotiable; not subject to negotiation.
NONNEGOTIABLESnonnegotiables n. Plural of nonnegotiable.
NONNEGOTIABLE n. a condition that must be observed.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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