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There are 13 words containing A, B, 2F, L, S and T

BLASTOFFblastoff n. The countdown and launch of a rocket, missile or spacecraft.
blast-off n. Alternative spelling of blastoff.
blast␣off v. (Idiomatic, intransitive) to begin ascent under rocket power.
BLASTOFFSblastoffs n. Plural of blastoff.
blast-offs n. Plural of blast-off.
BLASTOFF n. the launching of a rocket.
OFFSETABLEoffsetable adj. Alternative form of offsettable.
OFFSETABLE adj. that can be offset.
BAFFLEMENTSbafflements n. Plural of bafflement.
BAFFLEMENT n. the state of being baffled.
BULLMASTIFFbullmastiff n. Alternative letter-case form of Bullmastiff.
Bullmastiff n. A breed of very large mastiff originally bred to immobilize poachers.
BULLMASTIFF n. a breed of dog.
SUBAFFLUENTsubaffluent adj. Between the poverty line and affluence.
SUBAFFLUENT adj. less than affluent.
AFFABILITIESaffabilities n. Plural of affability.
AFFABILITY n. the quality of being affable.
AFFORESTABLEafforestable adj. Suitable for being afforested.
AFFORESTABLE adj. that can be afforested.
BULLMASTIFFSbullmastiffs n. Plural of bullmastiff.
Bullmastiffs n. Plural of Bullmastiff.
BULLMASTIFF n. a breed of dog.
FALSIFIABILITYfalsifiability n. The quality of being falsifiable.
FALSIFIABILITY n. the state of being falsifiable.
INEFFABILITIESineffabilities n. Plural of ineffability.
INEFFABILITY n. the state of being ineffable.
AFFECTABILITIESaffectabilities n. Plural of affectability.
AFFECTABILITY n. the quality of being affectable.
AFFORDABILITIESaffordabilities n. Plural of affordability.
AFFORDABILITY n. the quality of being affordable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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