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There are 18 words containing A, B, D, L, 2N and P

DEPENDABLENESSdependableness n. Dependability.
DEPENDABLE n. that can be depended on.
DISPENSABLENESSdispensableness n. The quality of being dispensable.
DISPENSABLENESS n. the state of being dispensable.
INDISCIPLINABLEindisciplinable adj. Not disciplinable; impossible to discipline.
INDISCIPLINABLE adj. not subject to or capable of being disciplined.
INDISPENSABLEindispensable adj. (Ecclesiastical, obsolete) Not admitting ecclesiastical dispensation; not subject to release or exemption;…
indispensable adj. (Of duties, rules etc.) Unbendable, that cannot be set aside or ignored.
indispensable adj. Absolutely necessary or requisite; that one cannot do without.
INDISPENSABLESindispensables n. Plural of indispensable.
INDISPENSABLE n. something that cannot be dispensed with.
INDISPENSABLYindispensably adv. In an indispensable manner; such that one cannot do without it.
INDISPENSABLE adv. that cannot be dispensed.
NONDEPLETABLEnondepletable adj. Not depletable.
NONDEPLETABLE adj. not depletable.
NONEXPENDABLEnonexpendable adj. Not expendable.
NONEXPENDABLE adj. not expendable.
NONEXPENDABLESSorry, definition not available.
PARDONABLENESSpardonableness n. The quality or state of being pardonable.
PARDONABLENESS n. the state of being pardonable.
SUPERABUNDANTLYsuperabundantly adv. To a superabundant extent.
SUPERABUNDANT adv. more than ample.
UNDEPENDABILITYundependability n. The quality of being undependable.
UNDEPENDABLEundependable adj. Not dependable.
UNDEPENDABLE adj. not dependable.
UNDEPENDABLYundependably adv. In an undependable manner; such that it cannot be relied upon.
UNDISCIPLINABLEundisciplinable adj. Not disciplinable.
UNDISCIPLINABLE adj. not disciplinable.
UNPARDONABLEunpardonable adj. Impossible to pardon; impossible to excuse or justify.
UNPARDONABLE adj. not pardonable.
UNPARDONABLYunpardonably adv. In an unpardonable manner.
UNPARDONABLE adv. not pardonable.
UNPUTDOWNABLEunputdownable adj. Of a person, etc.: difficult or impossible to put down (in various senses).
unputdownable adj. (Specifically) Of a book or other written work: so captivating or engrossing that one cannot bear to stop reading it.
un-put-downable adj. Alternative form of unputdownable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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