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There are 18 words containing A, B, D, I, M and 2T

ADMITTABLEadmittable adj. Able to be admitted.
ADMITTABLE adj. that can be admitted, also ADMISSIBLE.
TIMETABLEDtimetabled v. Simple past tense and past participle of timetable.
timetabled adj. Appearing in a timetable.
TIMETABLE v. to draw up a schedule of events for.
AMBIDENTATEAMBIDENTATE adj. of a ligand, able to coordinate through either of two different atoms, also AMPHIDENTATE.
BITUMINATEDbituminated v. Simple past tense and past participle of bituminate.
BITUMINATE v. to treat or impregnate with bitumen.
TOLBUTAMIDEtolbutamide n. A drug that blocks potassium channels, used in the treatment of diabetes.
TOLBUTAMIDE n. a sulfonylurea used in the treatment of diabetes.
DITHYRAMBISTDITHYRAMBIST n. one who sings dithyrambic hymns.
TOLBUTAMIDEStolbutamides n. Plural of tolbutamide.
TOLBUTAMIDE n. a sulfonylurea used in the treatment of diabetes.
AMBIDEXTERITYambidexterity n. The property of being equally skillful with each hand.
ambidexterity n. Superior cleverness or adaptability.
AMBIDEXTERITY n. the state of being ambidextrous.
DITHYRAMBISTSDITHYRAMBIST n. one who sings dithyrambic hymns.
MISATTRIBUTEDmisattributed v. Simple past tense and past participle of misattribute.
MISATTRIBUTE v. to attribute wrongly.
RHABDOMANTISTrhabdomantist n. Synonym of rhabdomancer.
RHABDOMANTIST n. one who practices divination by means of a rod to locate underground water; a dowser.
INDOMITABILITYindomitability n. The quality of being indomitable.
indomitability n. The quality of being undefeated, resolute, and tenacious.
INDOMITABILITY n. the state of being indomitable.
RHABDOMANTISTSrhabdomantists n. Plural of rhabdomantist.
RHABDOMANTIST n. one who practices divination by means of a rod to locate underground water; a dowser.
AMBIDEXTERITIESambidexterities n. Plural of ambidexterity.
AMBIDEXTERITY n. the state of being ambidextrous.
DEMONSTRABILITYdemonstrability n. The quality of being demonstrable.
DEMONSTRABILITY n. the state of being demonstrable.
DETERMINABILITYdeterminability n. The quality of being determinable.
DETERMINABILITY n. the quality of being determinable.
DITHIOCARBAMATEdithiocarbamate n. (Inorganic chemistry) Any salt or ester of dithiocarbamic acid.
DITHIOCARBAMATE n. any of several sulfur analogs of the carbamates including some used as fungicides.
MALDISTRIBUTIONmaldistribution n. Bad or undesirable distribution of wealth, resources etc.
MALDISTRIBUTION n. unfair distribution.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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