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There are 9 words containing A, B, D, H, 2L and U

BULLHEADbullhead n. (North America) any of a variety of related species of generally dark-colored catfish in the family Ictaluridae.
bullhead n. (Europe, Asia) Any of various sculpins of the suborder Scorpaenoidei.
bullhead n. (Europe, Asia) The European bullhead, Cottus gobio.
BULLHEADSbullheads n. Plural of bullhead.
BULLHEAD n. a freshwater fish of many species, aka bullpout or pogge.
DOUGHBALLdoughball n. A ball of dough, prepared as food or as fishing bait.
DOUGHBALL n. a kind of bait used in carp fishing.
BULLHEADEDbullheaded adj. Unreasonably stubborn.
bull-headed adj. Alternative form of bullheaded.
bull␣headed adj. Alternative form of bullheaded.
CLUBHAULEDclubhauled v. Simple past tense and past participle of clubhaul.
CLUBHAUL v. to force a sailing vessel onto a new tack.
DOUGHBALLSdoughballs n. Plural of doughball.
DOUGHBALL n. a kind of bait used in carp fishing.
BULLWHACKEDbullwhacked v. Simple past tense and past participle of bullwhack.
BULLWHACK v. to strike with a kind of heavy whip.
BULLHEADEDLYbullheadedly adv. In a bullheaded manner.
BULLHEADED adv. having a head like that of a bull; (figuratively) headstrong; obstinate.
BULLHEADEDNESSbullheadedness n. The characteristic of being bullheaded.
BULLHEADED n. having a head like that of a bull; (figuratively) headstrong; obstinate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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