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There are 11 words containing A, B, C, S and 3U

SUBUCULAsubucula n. (Historical) A man’s undergarment or shirt.
subucula n. (Historical) In the early English church, a kind of cassock worn under the alb.
SUBUCULA n. (Latin) in the early English church, a kind of cassock worn under the alb.
SUBUCULASSUBUCULA n. (Latin) in the early English church, a kind of cassock worn under the alb.
SUBCULTURALsubcultural adj. Pertaining to a subculture, or to subcultures in general.
SUBCULTURAL adj. relating to a subculture.
SUBAURICULARsubauricular adj. Beneath the ear.
SUBAURICULAR adj. below the ear.
SUBCUTANEOUSsubcutaneous adj. Pertaining to the fatty layer under the skin.
SUBCUTANEOUS adj. beneath the skin.
SUBCULTURALLYsubculturally adv. In terms of a subculture.
SUBCULTURAL adv. relating to a subculture.
SUBSTRUCTURALsubstructural adj. Of or pertaining to a substructure.
SUBSTRUCTURAL adj. relating to substructure.
CUCURBITACEOUScucurbitaceous adj. Pertaining to the gourd family, including cucumbers, pumpkins etc.
CUCURBITACEOUS adj. resembling a cucumber or a squash.
SUBCUTANEOUSLYsubcutaneously adv. Under the cutaneous layer of the skin.
SUBCUTANEOUS adv. beneath the skin.
ANTITUBERCULOUSantituberculous adj. (Pharmacology) Acting to combat or counteract tuberculosis.
ANTITUBERCULOUS adj. designed to counter tuberculosis.
SUPERBUREAUCRATsuperbureaucrat n. A very powerful bureaucrat.
SUPERBUREAUCRAT n. a highly-placed bureaucrat.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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