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There are 19 words containing A, B, C, L, N, O and Z

BENZENECARBONYLBENZENECARBONYL n. a systemic name for benzoyl.
CANNIBALIZATIONcannibalization n. The act of cannibalizing.
CANNIBALIZATION n. the act of cannibalizing, also CANNIBALISATION.
CARBOLIZINGcarbolizing v. Present participle of carbolize.
CARBOLIZE v. to treat or disinfect with phenol, also CARBOLISE.
CATABOLIZINGcatabolizing v. Present participle of catabolize.
CATABOLIZE v. to subject to catabolism, destructive chemical processes in living creatures, also CATABOLISE.
COGNIZABLEcognizable adj. Capable of being known or perceived.
cognizable adj. (Law) Within the jurisdiction of a particular court.
COGNIZABLE adj. that can be cognized, also COGNISABLE.
COGNIZABLYcognizably adv. In a cognizable manner.
COGNIZABLE adv. that can be cognized, also COGNISABLE.
COLONIZABLEcolonizable adj. Capable of being colonized.
COLONIZABLE adj. able to be colonised, also COLONISABLE.
INCOGNIZABLEincognizable adj. Not cognizable; incapable of being recognised.
INCOGNIZABLE adj. that cannot be known or distinguished, also INCOGNISABLE.
IRRECOGNIZABLEirrecognizable adj. (Archaic, rare) Unable to be recognized.
IRRECOGNIZABLE adj. unrecognizable, also IRRECOGNISABLE.
RECOGNIZABILITYrecognizability n. (Uncountable) The quality of being recognizable.
recognizability n. (Countable) The result of being recognizable.
RECOGNIZABILITY n. the state of being recognizable.
RECOGNIZABLErecognizable adj. Able to be recognized.
RECOGNIZABLE adj. that can be recognized, also RECOGNISABLE.
RECOGNIZABLYrecognizably adv. In a recognizable manner.
RECOGNIZABLE adv. that can be recognized, also RECOGNISABLE.
SUBVOCALIZATIONsubvocalization n. (Uncountable) The formation in thought of words or statements, which are expressed inwardly but not uttered aloud.
subvocalization n. (Countable) Subvocal words or statements so formed.
SUBVOCALIZATION n. the act of inaudibly articulating speech with the speech organs, also SUBVOCALISATION.
SUBVOCALIZINGsubvocalizing v. Present participle of subvocalize.
SUBVOCALIZE v. to say below the breath, also SUBVOCALISE.
TUBERCULIZATIONtuberculization n. (Medicine) The development of tubercles; the condition of one who is affected with tubercles.
TUBERCULIZATION n. the process of tuberculizing, also TUBERCULISATION.
UNCATEGORIZABLEuncategorizable adj. Impossible to categorize.
UNCATEGORIZABLE adj. not able to be categorized, also UNCATEGORISABLE.
UNRECOGNIZABLEunrecognizable adj. That cannot be recognized, especially because of substantial changes.
UNRECOGNIZABLE adj. not recognizable, also UNRECOGNISABLE.
UNRECOGNIZABLYunrecognizably adv. Beyond recognition.
UNRECOGNIZABLE adv. not recognizable, also UNRECOGNISABLE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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