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There are 19 words containing A, 2B, M, N and 2S

ABOMINABLENESSabominableness n. The characteristic of being abominable; odiousness.
ABOMINABLENESS n. the state of being abominable.
BARBARIANISMSbarbarianisms n. Plural of barbarianism.
BARBARIANISM n. the state of being a barbarian.
BLAMABLENESSblamableness n. The quality of being blamable.
BLAMABLENESS n. the state of being blamable, also BLAMEABLENESS.
BLAMABLENESSESBLAMABLENESS n. the state of being blamable, also BLAMEABLENESS.
BLAMEABLENESSblameableness n. Alternative form of blamableness.
BLAMEABLENESS n. the state of being blameable, also BLAMABLENESS.
BLAMEABLENESSESBLAMEABLENESS n. the state of being blameable, also BLAMABLENESS.
BOMBASINESbombasines n. Plural of bombasine.
BOMBASINE n. (French) a twilled silk and worsted fabric, also BOMBAZINE.
CASHMOBBINGSCASHMOBBING n. coordinating people to meet and spend money at a local, independent business at a particular time.
FLASHMOBBINGSFLASHMOBBING n. the practice of gathering at a given place in response to a message.
IMPROBABLENESSimprobableness n. The quality of being improbable.
IMPROBABLE n. not probable.
NABOBISMSNABOBISM n. (Urdu) great wealth and luxury.
RABBINISMSRabbinisms n. Plural of Rabbinism.
RABBINISM n. a rabbinic expression or phraseology; a peculiarity of the language of the rabbins.
SUBASSEMBLINGsubassembling n. The making of a subassembly.
SUBASSEMBLE v. to assemble a part of.
SUBBASEMENTsubbasement n. A basement located beneath another basement.
SUBBASEMENT n. a basement below a basement.
SUBBASEMENTSsubbasements n. Plural of subbasement.
SUBBASEMENT n. a basement below a basement.
SUBMANDIBULARSSUBMANDIBULAR n. a submandibular part (as an artery or bone).
SUBURBANISMsuburbanism n. Suburban lifestyles and attitudes generally.
SUBURBANISM n. the state of being suburban.
SUBURBANISMSsuburbanisms n. Plural of suburbanism.
SUBURBANISM n. the state of being suburban.
UNCLIMBABLENESSunclimbableness n. The quality of being unclimbable.
UNCLIMBABLENESS n. the state of being unclimbable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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