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There are 17 words containing A, 2B, 2E, I and V

ABBREVIATEabbreviate v. (Obsolete, transitive) To shorten by omitting parts or details.
abbreviate v. (Obsolete, intransitive) To speak or write in a brief manner.
abbreviate v. (Transitive) To make shorter; to shorten (in time); to abridge; to shorten by ending sooner than planned.
BELIEVABLEbelievable adj. Capable of being believed; credible.
BELIEVABLE adj. that can be believed.
BELIEVABLYbelievably adv. In a believable way.
believably adv. Used to express the speaker’s assessment of the credibility of a reported statement.
BELIEVABLE adv. that can be believed.
ABBREVIATEDabbreviated adj. Shortened; made briefer.
abbreviated adj. Relatively short; shorter than normal, or compared to others.
abbreviated adj. Scanty, as in clothing.
ABBREVIATESabbreviates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of abbreviate.
ABBREVIATE v. to make briefer.
REBARBATIVErebarbative adj. Irritating, repellent.
REBARBATIVE adj. irritating; repellent.
ABBREVIATUREabbreviature n. An abridgment; a compendium; an abstract.
abbreviature n. (Obsolete) An abbreviated state or form.
abbreviature n. A shortened form of a word or phrase, used in place of the whole; an abbreviation.
INOBSERVABLEinobservable adj. Unobservable.
INOBSERVABLE adj. that cannot be observed.
UNBELIEVABLEunbelievable adj. (Literally) Not to be believed.
unbelievable adj. (Figuratively) Amazing, incredible; so surprising it is almost unable to believe.
unbelievable adj. Implausible or improbable.
UNBELIEVABLYunbelievably adv. (Manner) In a manner that one does not or cannot believe.
unbelievably adv. (Degree) To an extent not to be believed.
unbelievably adv. (Evaluative) Contrary to expectations, amazingly.
ABBREVIATURESabbreviatures n. Plural of abbreviature.
ABBREVIATURE n. (French) an abridgement; an abbreviated state or form.
BELIEVABILITYbelievability n. The state or quality of being believable.
BELIEVABILITY n. the quality of being believable.
REBARBATIVELYrebarbatively adv. In a rebarbative manner.
REBARBATIVE adv. irritating; repellent.
UNABBREVIATEDunabbreviated adj. Not abbreviated.
unabbreviated v. Simple past tense and past participle of unabbreviate.
UNABBREVIATED adj. not abbreviated.
BELIEVABILITIESbelievabilities n. Plural of believability.
BELIEVABILITY n. the quality of being believable.
OBSERVABILITIESobservabilities n. Plural of observability.
OBSERVABILITY n. the state of being observable.
UNBELIEVABILITYunbelievability n. The state or quality of being unbelievable.
UNBELIEVABILITY n. the quality of being unbelievable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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