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There are 19 words containing A, 2B, C, L and 2O

ABCOULOMBabcoulomb n. A unit of electromagnetic charge equal to ten coulombs.
ABCOULOMB n. the unit of electric charge, equal to ten coulombs.
BOOTBLACKbootblack n. (Dated) A shoeshine boy; a person who shines shoes as an occupation.
bootblack v. (Transitive) To shine shoes.
boot-black n. Alternative spelling of bootblack.
ABCOULOMBSabcoulombs n. Plural of abcoulomb.
ABCOULOMB n. the unit of electric charge, equal to ten coulombs.
BLOCKBOARDblockboard n. A compound wood board consisting of nearly square strips of softwood placed side by side and sandwiched…
BLOCKBOARD n. plywood board made of veneer enclosing thin strips of wood.
BOOTBLACKSbootblacks n. Plural of bootblack.
boot-blacks n. Plural of boot-black.
BOOTBLACK n. a person whose job is to clean and polish shoes.
BLOCKBOARDSblockboards n. Plural of blockboard.
BLOCKBOARD n. plywood board made of veneer enclosing thin strips of wood.
CORROBORABLEcorroborable adj. Capable of being corroborated.
CORROBORABLE adj. able to be corroborated.
BIBLIOLOGICALbibliological adj. Relating to bibliology.
BIBLIOLOGICAL adj. related to bibliology.
BIBLIOPOLICALbibliopolical adj. Alternative form of bibliopolic.
BIBLIOPOLICAL adj. relating to a bibliopole, a dealer esp. in rare books, also BIBLIOPOLIC.
BIOCOMPATIBLEbiocompatible adj. Compatible with biological tissue.
BIOCOMPATIBLE adj. compatible with and not harmful to living tissue.
OBJECTIONABLEobjectionable adj. Arousing disapproval; worthy of objection; offensive.
OBJECTIONABLE adj. undesirable, offensive.
OBJECTIONABLYobjectionably adv. In an objectionable manner.
OBJECTIONABLE adv. undesirable, offensive.
CYCLOBARBITONECYCLOBARBITONE n. a barbiturate drug used as a hypnotic and sedative.
DISCOMBOBULATEdiscombobulate v. (Transitive, humorous) To throw into a state of confusion; to befuddle or perplex.
DISCOMBOBULATE v. to throw into a state of confusion, also DISCOMBOBERATE.
CYCLOBARBITONESCYCLOBARBITONE n. a barbiturate drug used as a hypnotic and sedative.
DISCOMBOBULATEDdiscombobulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of discombobulate.
discombobulated adj. (Informal) Confused, embarrassed, upset.
discombobulated adj. (Informal) Broken, mixed up.
DISCOMBOBULATESdiscombobulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of discombobulate.
DISCOMBOBULATE v. to throw into a state of confusion, also DISCOMBOBERATE.
UNOBJECTIONABLEunobjectionable adj. Not objectionable; not causing any objection.
UNOBJECTIONABLE adj. not objectionable.
UNOBJECTIONABLYunobjectionably adv. In a way that is not objectionable.
UNOBJECTIONABLE adv. not objectionable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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