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There are 10 words containing 2A, 2O, R, V and Z

DEVALORIZATIONdevalorization n. The process of devalorizing.
DEVALORIZATION n. the process of devalorizing, also DEVALORISATION.
DEVALORIZATIONSdevalorizations n. Plural of devalorization.
DEVALORIZATION n. the process of devalorizing, also DEVALORISATION.
REVALORIZATIONrevalorization n. (Economics) The fact or process of setting a new value for a given commodity, currency etc.
revalorization n. The establishment of a new value for something; revaluation, especially in a positive sense.
REVALORIZATION n. the act of revalorizing, also REVALORISATION.
REVALORIZATIONSrevalorizations n. Plural of revalorization.
REVALORIZATION n. the act of revalorizing, also REVALORISATION.
VALORIZATIONvalorization n. Alternative spelling of valorisation.
VALORIZATION n. the fixing of prices, esp. by a policy imposed by a government or controlling body, also VALORISATION.
VALORIZATIONSvalorizations n. Plural of valorization.
VALORIZATION n. the fixing of prices, esp. by a policy imposed by a government or controlling body, also VALORISATION.
VAPORIZATIONvaporization n. A conversion of a solid or a liquid into a gas.
vaporization n. A destruction of something by turning it into vapor.
VAPORIZATION n. the act of vaporizing, also VAPORISATION.
VAPORIZATIONSvaporizations n. Plural of vaporization.
VAPORIZATION n. the act of vaporizing, also VAPORISATION.
VARIOLIZATIONvariolization n. (Medicine, obsolete) Variolation: inoculation against smallpox using material from a smallpox lesion.
VARIOLIZATION n. inoculation with smallpox virus, also VARIOLISATION.
VARIOLIZATIONSVARIOLIZATION n. inoculation with smallpox virus, also VARIOLISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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