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There are 19 words containing 2A, 2O, P, T and V

EVAPORATIONevaporation n. The process of a liquid converting to the gaseous state.
evaporation n. The process in which all or a portion of liquid (in a container) is turned into vapour, in order to…
evaporation n. (Archaic) That which is evaporated; vapor.
EVAPORATIONSevaporations n. Plural of evaporation.
EVAPORATION n. the act of evaporating.
EVAPORATORevaporator n. A piece of equipment used to evaporate the solvent from a solution.
evaporator n. The part of a refrigerator that absorbs heat by evaporating a refrigerant.
EVAPORATOR n. an agent that causes evaporation.
EVAPORATORSevaporators n. Plural of evaporator.
EVAPORATOR n. an agent that causes evaporation.
GALVANOTROPICGALVANOTROPIC adj. relating to galvanotropism, the directional growth of an organism.
GALVANOTROPISMgalvanotropism n. (Biology) Any movement or alignment of an organism with respect to an electric field.
GALVANOTROPISM n. the directional growth of an organism, esp. a plant, in response to an electrical stimulus.
GALVANOTROPISMSGALVANOTROPISM n. the directional growth of an organism, esp. a plant, in response to an electrical stimulus.
IMPROVISATIONALimprovisational adj. Having the nature of an improvisation.
IMPROVISATIONAL adj. relating to improvisation.
IMPROVISATORIALimprovisatorial adj. Improvisatory.
IMPROVISATORIAL adj. of or like an improvisator.
OVERAPPLICATIONoverapplication n. The act of overapplying.
OVERAPPLICATION n. excessive application.
OVEREXTRAPOLATESorry, definition not available.
OVERPREPARATIONoverpreparation n. Excessive preparation.
OVERPREPARATION n. excessive preparation.
POSTDEVALUATIONpostdevaluation adj. After a financial devaluation.
POSTDEVALUATION adj. taking place after devaluation.
POSTVACCINATIONpostvaccination adj. After vaccination.
POSTVACCINATION adj. taking place after vaccination.
PREVOCATIONALprevocational adj. In preparation for a vocation.
PREVOCATIONAL adj. given or required before admission to a vocational school.
VAPORISATIONvaporisation n. Alternative spelling of vaporization.
VAPORISATION n. the act of vaporising, also VAPORIZATION.
VAPORISATIONSvaporisations n. Plural of vaporisation.
VAPORISATION n. the act of vaporising, also VAPORIZATION.
VAPORIZATIONvaporization n. A conversion of a solid or a liquid into a gas.
vaporization n. A destruction of something by turning it into vapor.
VAPORIZATION n. the act of vaporizing, also VAPORISATION.
VAPORIZATIONSvaporizations n. Plural of vaporization.
VAPORIZATION n. the act of vaporizing, also VAPORISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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