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There are 11 words containing 2A, M, Q, S and 2U

SQUAMULAsquamula n. (Botany) One of the little hypogynous scales found in the flowers of grasses; a lodicule.
SQUAMULA n. a little scale, also SQUAMELLA, SQUAMULE.
AQUARIUMSaquariums n. Plural of aquarium.
AQUARIUM n. (Latin) a water filled museum for all forms of aquatic life.
SQUAMULASsquamulas n. Plural of squamula.
SQUAMULA n. a little scale, also SQUAMELLA, SQUAMULE.
QUADRUMANSquadrumans n. Plural of quadruman.
QUADRUMAN n. a former name for primates other than man, also QUADRUMANE.
SEAQUARIUMseaquarium n. An oceanarium.
SEAQUARIUM n. an oceanarium.
QUADRUMANESquadrumanes n. Plural of quadrumane.
QUADRUMANE n. a former name for primates other than man, also QUADRUMAN.
SEAQUARIUMSseaquariums n. Plural of seaquarium.
SEAQUARIUM n. an oceanarium.
QUADRUMANOUSquadrumanous adj. Having four feet whose first digits are opposable; applies to all non-human primates.
QUADRUMANOUS adj. of apes, etc., with all four feet adapted for use as hands.
QUADRUMVIRATESquadrumvirates n. Plural of quadrumvirate.
QUADRUMVIRATE n. a group of four men acting together in some capacity.
QUINQUAGESIMALquinquagesimal adj. Of or related to a set of 50 people or items.
QUINQUAGESIMAL adj. consisting of fifty days.
UBIQUITARIANISMubiquitarianism n. The beliefs of the ubiquitarians.
UBIQUITARIANISM n. the Lutheran doctrine that holds that Christ is no more present in the elements of the Eucharist than elsewhere, as he is present in all places at all times.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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