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There are 13 words containing 2A, M, Q, 2S and T

SQUAMATESsquamates n. Plural of squamate.
SQUAMATE n. a creature covered with scales.
ANTIMASQUESantimasques n. Plural of antimasque.
ANTIMASQUE n. a secondary mask, or grotesque interlude, between the parts of a serious mask, also ANTIMASK.
DESQUAMATESdesquamates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of desquamate.
DESQUAMATE v. to scale or flake off.
MARQUESSATEmarquessate n. The territory of a marquess, margrave or person of comparable rank.
MARQUESSATE n. the rank of marquess.
MARQUISATESmarquisates n. Plural of marquisate.
MARQUISATE n. the rank of a marquis.
SQUAMATIONSsquamations n. Plural of squamation.
SQUAMATION n. scaliness.
MARQUESSATESmarquessates n. Plural of marquessate.
MARQUESSATE n. the rank of marquess.
METASEQUOIASmetasequoias n. Plural of metasequoia.
METASEQUOIA n. a tree, the dawn redwood.
DESQUAMATIONSdesquamations n. Plural of desquamation.
DESQUAMATION n. having one's skin fall off due to its being waterlogged.
QUARRYMASTERSquarrymasters n. Plural of quarrymaster.
QUARRYMASTER n. one in charge of a quarry.
DESQUAMATORIESDESQUAMATORY n. an obsolete surgical instrument once used for the desquamation of bones.
QUARTERMASTERSquartermasters n. Plural of quartermaster.
quarter-masters n. Plural of quarter-master.
QUARTERMASTER n. one in charge of stores.
ANTIQUARIANISMSantiquarianisms n. Plural of antiquarianism.
ANTIQUARIANISM n. an interest in antiquarian things.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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