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There are 17 words containing 2A, 2L, 2U and Y

AUTUMNALLYautumnally adv. In an autumnal manner.
AUTUMNAL adv. pertaining to autumn.
AURICULARLYauricularly adv. In an auricular manner.
AURICULAR adv. pertaining to the ear; spoken secretly.
AVUNCULARLYavuncularly adv. In an avuncular way.
AVUNCULAR adv. suggestive of an uncle, esp. in kindliness or geniality.
UNNATURALLYunnaturally adv. In an unnatural manner; to an unnatural extent.
UNNATURAL adv. not natural.
AURICULATELYAURICULATE adv. having ears or ear-shaped appendages, also AURICULATED.
AUDIOVISUALLYaudiovisually adv. In an audiovisual way; through sound and image.
AUDIOVISUAL adv. relating to hearing and sight.
UNPLEASURABLYunpleasurably adv. In an unpleasurable manner.
UNPLEASURABLE adv. not pleasurable.
ACCUMULATIVELYaccumulatively adv. In an accumulative manner.
ACCUMULATIVE adv. tending or given to accumulation.
AGRICULTURALLYagriculturally adv. In a manner pertaining to agriculture.
AGRICULTURAL adv. of, relating to, used in, or concerned with agriculture.
QUADRANGULARLYquadrangularly adv. In a quadrangular shape or manner.
QUADRANGULAR adv. like a quadrangle.
QUAQUAVERSALLYquaquaversally adv. In a quaquaversal way.
QUAQUAVERSAL adv. sloping downward from the center in all directions.
SUPERNATURALLYsupernaturally adv. In a supernatural manner.
SUPERNATURAL adv. of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe.
INTRAMUSCULARLYintramuscularly adv. In an intramuscular manner; within a muscle.
INTRAMUSCULAR adv. situated in, occurring in, or administered by entering a muscle.
UNADULTERATEDLYunadulteratedly adv. Without adulteration.
UNADULTERATED adv. not adulterated, also UNADULTERATE.
UNAUTHENTICALLYunauthentically adv. In a way that is not authentic.
UNSPECTACULARLYunspectacularly adv. In an unspectacular manner.
UNSUBSTANTIALLYunsubstantially adv. In an unsubstantial way.
UNSUBSTANTIAL adv. not substantial.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 235 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 4 words

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