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There are 16 words containing 2A, 3L, O and W

ALLOWABLEallowable adj. Appropriate; satisfactory; acceptable.
allowable adj. Intellectually admissible; valid; probable.
allowable adj. Able to be added or deducted in consideration of something.
ALLOWABLYallowably adv. In an allowable manner.
ALLOWABLE adv. that can be allowed.
ALLHALLOWNAllhallown adj. (Obsolete) Of or pertaining to the time of All Hallows’.
ALLHALLOWN adj. as in allhallown summer, a spell of fine weather about All Hallows, also ALLHALLOND, ALLHALLOWEN, ALLHOLLOWN.
ALLOWABLESallowables n. Plural of allowable.
ALLOWABLE n. something allowed.
ALLHALLOWENALLHALLOWEN adj. as in allhallowen summer, a spell of fine weather about All Hallows, also ALLHALLOND, ALLHALLOWN, ALLHOLLOWN.
GALLOWGLASSgallowglass n. (Historical) A mercenary warrior élite among Gaelic-Norse clans residing in the Western Isles of Scotland…
GALLOWGLASS n. (Irish) the irregular infantry of Ireland, and the Highlands of Scotland, also GALLOGLASS.
SWALLOWABLEswallowable adj. Capable of being swallowed.
swallowable adj. (Of a pill etc) Relatively easy to swallow.
swallowable adj. (By extension, of legislation) Able to be accepted by the electorate.
SWALLOWTAILswallowtail n. The forked tail of a swallow.
swallowtail n. Anything, such as a burgee, of a similar forked shape.
swallowtail n. A type of tailcoat with two long tapering tails.Wp.
UNALLOWABLEunallowable adj. Not allowable.
unallowable adj. For which an allowance may not be claimed.
UNALLOWABLE adj. not allowable.
ALLOWABILITYallowability n. The state of being allowable; legitimacy; permissibleness.
ALLOWABILITY n. the state of being allowable.
DISALLOWABLEdisallowable adj. Able to be disallowed.
disallowable adj. Not allowable; not to be suffered or permitted; which should not be allowed.
DISALLOWABLE adj. that can be disallowed.
SWALLOWTAILSswallowtails n. Plural of swallowtail.
SWALLOWTAIL n. a kind of butterfly.
ALLOWABLENESSallowableness n. The state of being allowable; legitimacy; permissibleness.
ALLOWABLENESS n. the state of being allowable.
GALLOWGLASSESgallowglasses n. Plural of gallowglass.
GALLOWGLASS n. (Irish) the irregular infantry of Ireland, and the Highlands of Scotland, also GALLOGLASS.
ALLOWABILITIESallowabilities n. Plural of allowability.
ALLOWABILITY n. the state of being allowable.
ALLOWABLENESSESALLOWABLENESS n. the state of being allowable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 246 words
  • Scrabble in French: no word
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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