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There are 17 words containing 2A, K, N, S, T and U

NUNATAKSnunataks n. Plural of nunatak.
NUNATAK n. (Inuit) a point of rock appearing above the surface of land ice.
AUTOBANKSAUTOBANK n. a machine offering cash and other banking services.
ANTIQUARKSantiquarks n. Plural of antiquark.
ANTIQUARK n. the antimatter equivalent of a quark.
TAIKONAUTStaikonauts n. Plural of taikonaut.
TAIKONAUT n. a Chinese astronaut.
PENTAQUARKSpentaquarks n. Plural of pentaquark.
PENTAQUARK n. a hypothetical subatomic particle consisting of a group of five quarks (as compared to the usual three quarks).
SUBTACKSMANSUBTACKSMAN n. a holder (of land) by subtack.
CANTANKEROUScantankerous adj. Given to or marked by an ill-tempered, quarrelsome nature; ill-tempered, cranky, crabby.
CANTANKEROUS adj. difficult or irritating to deal with.
UNMISTAKABLEunmistakable adj. Unique, such that it cannot be mistaken for something else.
UNMISTAKABLE adj. not capable of being mistaken or misunderstood, also UNMISTAKEABLE.
UNMISTAKABLYunmistakably adv. In an unmistakable manner; unquestionably.
UNMISTAKABLE adv. not capable of being mistaken or misunderstood, also UNMISTAKEABLE.
BLACKCURRANTSblackcurrants n. Plural of blackcurrant.
black-currants n. Plural of black-currant.
black␣currants n. Plural of black currant.
NOMENKLATURASnomenklaturas n. Plural of nomenklatura.
NOMENKLATURA n. (Russian) officeholders and managers in a communist regime.
UNMISTAKEABLEunmistakeable adj. Alternative spelling of unmistakable.
UNMISTAKEABLE adj. that cannot be mistaken, also UNMISTAKABLE.
UNMISTAKEABLYunmistakeably adv. Alternative spelling of unmistakably.
UNMISTAKEABLE adv. that cannot be mistaken, also UNMISTAKABLE.
CANTANKEROUSLYcantankerously adv. In a cantankerous manner.
CANTANKEROUS adv. difficult or irritating to deal with.
COUNTERATTACKScounterattacks n. Plural of counterattack; alternative spelling of counter-attacks.
counterattacks v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of counterattack; alternative spelling of counter-attacks.
counter-attacks n. Plural of counter-attack.
QUARTERBACKINGSQUARTERBACKING n. wisdom after the event, esp. by spectators.
UNSTATESMANLIKEunstatesmanlike adj. Not statesmanlike.
UNSTATESMANLIKE adj. not like a statesman.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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