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There are 13 words containing 2A, I, K, 2N and P

PANCAKINGpancaking v. Present participle of pancake.
PANCAKE v. to land an aircraft without wheels.
PONTIANAKpontianak n. (Countable) A female vampiric ghost in Malaysian and Indonesian mythology, said to be the spirit of…
pontianak n. Alternative form of pontianac (“fossil resin”).
Pontianak prop.n. A city in, and the capital of, West Kalimantan province in Indonesia.
PONTIANAKSpontianaks n. Plural of pontianak.
PONTIANAK n. (Malay) a naturally occurring rubberlike substance, aka jelutong, also PONTIANAC.
PAINSTAKINGpainstaking adj. Carefully attentive to details; diligent in performing a process or procedure.
painstaking n. The application of careful and attentive effort.
PAINSTAKING adj. taking pains.
HALIPLANKTONhaliplankton n. (Biology) oceanic plankton.
HALIPLANKTON n. plankton living in sea water.
PAINSTAKINGSpainstakings n. Plural of painstaking.
PAINSTAKING n. careful diligence.
PARKINSONIANparkinsonian adj. (Neurology, pathology) Relating to, or appearing to be caused by, Parkinson’s syndrome.
parkinsonian n. (Neurology, pathology) One who has Parkinson’s syndrome.
Parkinsonian adj. Alternative letter-case form of parkinsonian.
HALIPLANKTONSHALIPLANKTON n. plankton living in sea water.
PAINSTAKINGLYpainstakingly adv. In a painstaking manner; very slowly and carefully.
PAINSTAKING adv. taking pains.
PANLEUKOPENIApanleukopenia n. A distemper of cats caused by a strain of Parvovirus.
PANLEUKOPENIA n. a viral disease of cats marked by a deficiency of white blood cells, also PANLEUCOPENIA.
PARKINSONIANSparkinsonians n. Plural of parkinsonian.
Parkinsonians n. Plural of Parkinsonian.
PARKINSONIAN n. one suffering from Parkinson's disease.
PANLEUKOPENIASpanleukopenias n. Plural of panleukopenia.
PANLEUKOPENIA n. a viral disease of cats marked by a deficiency of white blood cells, also PANLEUCOPENIA.
PAINSTAKINGNESSpainstakingness n. The state or characteristic of being painstaking; the giving of careful attention to details.
PAINSTAKING n. taking pains.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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