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There are 17 words containing 2A, 2I, L, Y and Z

DIALYZATIONdialyzation n. (Chemistry) dialysis.
DIALYZATION n. the act of dialyzing, also DIALYSATION.
LAYMANIZINGlaymanizing v. Present participle of laymanize.
LAYMANIZE v. to simplify (technical information) into a form that can be understood by ordinary people, also LAYMANISE.
DIALYZATIONSdialyzations n. Plural of dialyzation.
DIALYZATION n. the act of dialyzing, also DIALYSATION.
ANALYZABILITYanalyzability n. The ability to be analyzed.
ANALYZABILITY n. the state of being analyzable, also ANALYSABILITY.
DIALYZABILITYDIALYZABILITY n. the quality of being dialyzable.
HYALINIZATIONhyalinization n. The act or process of hyalinizing. A condition in which normal tissue deteriorates into a homogeneous…
HYALINIZATION n. the process of hyalinizing, also HYALINISATION.
REALIZABILITYrealizability n. The property or characteristic of being realizable.
REALIZABILITY n. the quality of being realizable, also REALISABILITY.
TANTALIZINGLYtantalizingly adv. In a tantalizing manner.
TANTALIZING adv. frustratingly enticing.
HYALINIZATIONShyalinizations n. Plural of hyalinization.
HYALINIZATION n. the process of hyalinizing, also HYALINISATION.
LOCALIZABILITYlocalizability n. The condition of being localizable.
LOCALIZABILITY n. the state of being localizable, also LOCALISABILITY.
ORGANIZABILITYorganizability n. The suitability or potential for organization.
ORGANIZABILITY n. the quality of being organizable, also ORGANISABILITY.
POLARIZABILITYpolarizability n. (Physics) The relative tendency of a system of electric charges to become polarized in the presence…
POLARIZABILITY n. the state of being polarizable.
ANALYZABILITIESanalyzabilities n. Plural of analyzability.
ANALYZABILITY n. the state of being analyzable, also ANALYSABILITY.
CRYSTALLIZATIONcrystallization n. The act or process by which a substance in solidifying assumes the form and structure of a crystal…
crystallization n. The body formed by crystallizing.
crystallization n. The formation of a solid from a solution, melt, vapour or from a different solid phase.
DIALYZABILITIESDIALYZABILITY n. the quality of being dialyzable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 341 words
  • Scrabble in French: 10 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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