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There are 10 words containing 2A, H, Q, S, T and U

CHAQUETASCHAQUETA n. (Spanish) a jacket worn by cowboys.
SASQUATCHsasquatch n. (Cryptozoology) A large hairy humanoid creature of western North America; a Bigfoot.
Sasquatch n. (Cryptozoology) A large hairy humanoid creature of western North America; a Bigfoot.
SASQUATCH n. (Canadian) a large hairy manlike creature said to inhabit certain parts of Canada.
BEQUEATHALSbequeathals n. Plural of bequeathal.
BEQUEATHAL n. the act of bequeathing.
CHAUTAUQUASchautauquas n. Plural of chautauqua.
Chautauquas n. Plural of Chautauqua.
CHAUTAUQUA n. an outdoor meeting of an educational type popular in the US in the nineteenth century.
EARTHQUAKESearthquakes n. Plural of earthquake.
EARTHQUAKE n. a quaking or shaking of the earth.
SASQUATCHESsasquatches n. Plural of sasquatch.
SASQUATCH n. (Canadian) a large hairy manlike creature said to inhabit certain parts of Canada.
AQUALEATHERSAQUALEATHER n. leather made from fishskin.
HEADQUARTERSheadquarters n. The military installation from which troops are commanded and orders are issued; the military unit consisting…
headquarters n. The center of an organization’s operations or administration.
headquarters n. A place of concentrated activity or influence.
METHAQUALONESmethaqualones n. Plural of methaqualone.
METHAQUALONE n. a type of sedative, aka quaalude.
ANTHRAQUINONESanthraquinones n. Plural of anthraquinone.
ANTHRAQUINONE n. a chemical used in the manufacture of some dyes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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