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There are 19 words containing 2A, F, 2L and 2N

FINANCIALLYfinancially adv. In terms of finance or money.
FINANCIAL adv. relating to finance.
NONFAMILIALnonfamilial adj. Not familial.
NONFAMILIAL adj. not familial.
FLANNELBOARDflannelboard n. Synonym: flannelgraph.
FLANNELBOARD n. a teaching aid consisting of a board covered with flannel.
FLANNELGRAPHflannelgraph n. A board covered with flannel fabric used as a backdrop when telling stories to children, the characters…
FLANNELGRAPH n. a display board covered with flannel or felt, on which letters, pictures, etc. backed with material will stick when pressed against it.
NONFLAMMABLEnonflammable adj. Not combustible.
nonflammable adj. Not easily set on fire.
nonflammable n. Any nonflammable substance.
FLANNELBOARDSflannelboards n. Plural of flannelboard.
FLANNELBOARD n. a teaching aid consisting of a board covered with flannel.
FLANNELGRAPHSflannelgraphs n. Plural of flannelgraph.
FLANNELGRAPH n. a display board covered with flannel or felt, on which letters, pictures, etc. backed with material will stick when pressed against it.
FUNDAMENTALLYfundamentally adv. In a fundamental or basic sense; reaching the very core of the matter.
FUNDAMENTAL adv. basic.
NONFLAMMABLESnonflammables n. Plural of nonflammable.
UNINFLAMMABLEuninflammable adj. Not inflammable.
UNINFLAMMABLE adj. not inflammable.
FOUNDATIONALLYfoundationally adv. In a foundational manner.
FOUNDATIONAL adv. of or like a foundation.
INTRAFALLOPIANintrafallopian adj. Within the Fallopian tube.
INTRAFALLOPIAN adj. within, or introduced into, (either of) the Fallopian tubes.
NONINFLAMMABLEnoninflammable adj. Not inflammable.
NONINFLAMMABLE adj. not inflammable.
UNFLAMBOYANTLYunflamboyantly adv. In an unflamboyant manner.
INFLAMMABLENESSinflammableness n. The quality of being inflammable.
INFLAMMABLENESS n. the state of being inflammable.
INFORMATIONALLYinformationally adv. In an informational manner.
informationally adv. With regard to information.
INFORMATIONAL adv. relating to information.
NONFLAMMABILITYnonflammability n. The state or condition of being nonflammable.
NONFLAMMABILITY n. the state of being nonflammable.
NONINFLAMMABLESSorry, definition not available.
UNFLAPPABLENESSunflappableness n. (Rare) Unflappability.
UNFLAPPABLENESS n. the state of being unflappable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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