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There are 13 words containing 2A, E, M and 3O

ANAMORPHOSCOPEanamorphoscope n. A mirrored device which gives a correct image of an anamorphosis.
ANAMORPHOSCOPE n. an optical device, such as a cylindrical lens, for correcting an image that has been distorted by anamorphosis.
ANAMORPHOSCOPESanamorphoscopes n. Plural of anamorphoscope.
ANAMORPHOSCOPE n. an optical device, such as a cylindrical lens, for correcting an image that has been distorted by anamorphosis.
ARCHEOASTRONOMYarcheoastronomy n. Alternative spelling of archaeastronomy.
ARCHEOASTRONOMY n. the scientific study of the beliefs and practices concerning astronomy that existed in ancient and prehistoric civilizations.
COMMEMORATIONALcommemorational adj. Relating to commemoration; commemorative.
COMMEMORATIONAL adj. serving to commemorate.
FOOTPLATEWOMANFOOTPLATEWOMAN n. a female train driver and assistant.
HAEMATOZOONhaematozoon n. A parasite inhabiting the blood.
hæmatozoon n. Obsolete spelling of haematozoon.
HAEMATOZOON n. any microorganism, esp. a protozoan, that is parasitic in the blood, also HEMATOZOON.
MEGACORPORATIONmegacorporation n. A corporation or business entity of immense size and influence.
MEGACORPORATION n. a huge and powerful corporation.
ONOMATOPOEIAonomatopoeia n. (Uncountable) The property of a word of sounding like what it represents.
onomatopoeia n. (Countable) A word that sounds like what it represents, such as "gurgle," "stutter," or "hiss".
onomatopoeia n. (Uncountable, rhetoric) The use of language whose sound imitates that which it names.
ONOMATOPOEIASonomatopoeias n. Plural of onomatopoeia.
onomatopœias n. Plural of onomatopœia.
ONOMATOPOEIA n. the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it, also ONOMATOPOESIS, ONOMATOPOIESIS.
OSTEOSARCOMAosteosarcoma n. A type of cancer of the bone.
OSTEOSARCOMA n. a malignant tumour derived from osteoblasts, composed of bone and sarcoma cells.
OSTEOSARCOMASosteosarcomas n. Plural of osteosarcoma.
OSTEOSARCOMA n. a malignant tumour derived from osteoblasts, composed of bone and sarcoma cells.
OSTEOSARCOMATAosteosarcomata n. Plural of osteosarcoma.
OSTEOSARCOMA n. a malignant tumour derived from osteoblasts, composed of bone and sarcoma cells.
PALAEOLIMNOLOGYpalaeolimnology n. Alternative form of paleolimnology.
PALAEOLIMNOLOGY n. the study of ancient lakes.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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