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There are 19 words containing 2A, E, I, M, N and Q

ANTIMASQUEantimasque n. A comic or grotesque dance presented before or between the acts of a masque.
ANTIMASQUE n. a secondary mask, or grotesque interlude, between the parts of a serious mask, also ANTIMASK.
ANTIMASQUESantimasques n. Plural of antimasque.
ANTIMASQUE n. a secondary mask, or grotesque interlude, between the parts of a serious mask, also ANTIMASK.
AQUAMANILEaquamanile n. (Historical) A ewer or jug-like vessel, shaped like an animal or human figure, used for washing the hands.
AQUAMANILE n. a ewer in the form of a human or animal figure for ceremonial hand-washing, also AQUAMANALE.
AQUAMANILESaquamaniles n. Plural of aquamanile.
AQUAMANILE n. a ewer in the form of a human or animal figure for ceremonial hand-washing, also AQUAMANALE.
AQUAMARINEaquamarine n. The bluish-green colour of the sea.
aquamarine n. A bluish-green variety of beryl.
aquamarine adj. Of a bluish-green colour.
AQUAMARINESaquamarines n. Plural of aquamarine.
AQUAMARINE n. a transparent blue, blue-green, or green variety of beryl used as a gem.
DAMASQUINEDdamasquined v. Simple past tense and past participle of damasquin.
DAMASQUIN v. to decorate or engrave metal with wavy lines and patterns, also DAMASCEENE, DAMASCENE, DAMASKEEN, DAMASKIN.
DESQUAMATINGdesquamating v. Present participle of desquamate.
DESQUAMATE v. to scale or flake off.
DESQUAMATIONdesquamation n. (Medicine) The shedding of the outer layers of the skin.
DESQUAMATION n. having one's skin fall off due to its being waterlogged.
DESQUAMATIONSdesquamations n. Plural of desquamation.
DESQUAMATION n. having one's skin fall off due to its being waterlogged.
EQUALITARIANISMequalitarianism n. Egalitarianism.
EQUALITARIANISM n. belief in equality.
MASQUERADINGmasquerading v. Present participle of masquerade.
masquerading n. The act of one who masquerades.
MASQUERADE v. to disguise oneself.
QUADRIGEMINALquadrigeminal adj. Having four parts, or two pairs.
QUADRIGEMINAL adj. having four similar parts, also QUADRIGEMINATE, QUADRIGEMINOUS.
QUADRIGEMINATEquadrigeminate adj. Synonym of quadrigeminal.
QUADRIGEMINATE adj. having four similar parts, also QUADRIGEMINAL, QUADRIGEMINOUS.
QUARTODECIMANQuartodeciman n. Any of a group of early Christians (especially in Asia Minor) who observed Pascha (Christian Passover…
Quartodeciman adj. Of or pertaining to these people.
QUARTODECIMAN n. an early Christian who celebrated Easter on Passover even if not a Sunday.
QUARTODECIMANSQuartodecimans n. Plural of Quartodeciman.
QUARTODECIMAN n. an early Christian who celebrated Easter on Passover even if not a Sunday.
QUINQUAGESIMALquinquagesimal adj. Of or related to a set of 50 people or items.
QUINQUAGESIMAL adj. consisting of fifty days.
SQUANDERMANIAsquandermania n. Excessive expenditure by a government on a supposedly prestigious project.
SQUANDERMANIA n. irrational propensity for spending money wastefully.
SQUANDERMANIASSQUANDERMANIA n. irrational propensity for spending money wastefully.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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