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There are 15 words containing 2A, 2E, M, R and X

AUXANOMETERauxanometer n. An instrument to measure the growth of plants.
AUXANOMETER n. an instrument for measuring growth of plants.
AUXANOMETERSauxanometers n. Plural of auxanometer.
AUXANOMETER n. an instrument for measuring growth of plants.
EXTRAMETRICALextrametrical adj. (Linguistics) Exhibiting or relating to extrametricality.
EXTRAMETRICAL adj. in excess of the prescribed number of syllables in the line.
EXTRAMUNDANEextramundane adj. Beyond mundane, beyond ordinary.
extramundane adj. Extraterrestrial; occurring or originating outside of the Earth.
EXTRAMUNDANE adj. beyond the known universe.
HEXAMERALhexameral adj. (Biblical) Relating to the hexameron.
HEXAMERAL adj. arranged in six groups.
HEXAMETRALhexametral adj. Hexametric.
HEXAMETRAL adj. like a hexameter, also HEXAMETRIC, HEXAMETRICAL.
HEXAMETRICALhexametrical adj. Hexametric; consisting of six metrical feet.
HEXAMETRICAL adj. of verse, written in hexameters, also HEXAMETRAL, HEXAMETRIC.
INTERMAXILLAEintermaxillae n. Plural of intermaxilla.
INTERMAXILLA n. the bone between the maxillae.
METATHORAXESmetathoraxes n. Plural of metathorax.
METATHORAX n. the last or posterior segment of the thorax in insects.
PREMAXILLAEpremaxillae n. Plural of premaxilla.
PREMAXILLA n. (Latin) a bone in front of the maxilla, also PREMAXILLARY.
PREMAXILLARIESpremaxillaries n. Plural of premaxillary.
PREMAXILLARY n. the premaxilla, a bone in front of the maxilla, also PREMAXILLA.
REEXAMINATIONreexamination n. Alternative form of re-examination.
reëxamination n. Rare spelling of reexamination.
re-examination n. A second or subsequent examination.
REEXAMINATIONSreexaminations n. Plural of reexamination.
reëxaminations n. Plural of reëxamination.
re-examinations n. Plural of re-examination.
TAXAMETERTAXAMETER n. (obsolete) an instrument for measuring fee for hired vehicle, also TAXIMETER.
TAXAMETERStaxameters n. Plural of taxameter.
TAXAMETER n. (obsolete) an instrument for measuring fee for hired vehicle, also TAXIMETER.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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