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There are 16 words containing 2A, 2E, H, L and V

ACHIEVABLEachievable adj. Capable of being achieved, which either means possible or probable.
achievable adj. Not linked to fate or outside influences.
ACHIEVABLE adj. that can be achieved.
EXHILARATIVEexhilarative adj. Exhilarating.
EXHILARATIVE adj. tending to exhilarate.
EXTRAVEHICULARextravehicular adj. Relating to, on happening in, the space outside a vehicle, especially a spacecraft in space.
extra-vehicular adj. Alternative spelling of extravehicular.
EXTRAVEHICULAR adj. taking place outside a vehicle (as a spacecraft).
HARVESTABLEharvestable adj. Capable of, or suitable for, being harvested.
HARVESTABLE adj. that can be harvested.
HEAVYHEARTEDLYheavyheartedly adv. Alternative form of heavy-heartedly.
heavy-heartedly adv. In a heavy-hearted manner; sadly, morosely.
HEAVYHEARTED adv. despondent, saddened.
HEPTAVALENTheptavalent adj. (Chemistry) Having an atomic valence of 7.
heptavalent adj. (Medicine) Having a vaccine valence of 7.
HEPTAVALENT adj. having a valency of seven, also SEPTAVALENT, SEPTIVALENT.
HEXAVALENThexavalent adj. (Chemistry) Having an atomic valence of 6.
hexavalent adj. (Medicine) Having a vaccine valence of 6.
HEXAVALENT adj. having a valency of six.
HYPERVARIABLEhypervariable adj. Having a high degree of variability.
INTERBEHAVIORALinterbehavioral adj. Between behaviors; applied to a naturalistic, non-dualistic form of psychology.
INTERBEHAVIORAL adj. relating to interbehavior.
LEATHERLEAVESleatherleaves n. Plural of leatherleaf.
LEATHERLEAF n. an ericaceous bog shrub with coriaceous leaves.
REHABILITATIVErehabilitative adj. Tending to rehabilitate.
rehabilitative adj. For the purpose of rehabilitation.
REHABILITATIVE adj. serving to rehabilitate.
SERVOMECHANICALservomechanical adj. Of or relating to servomechanisms.
SERVOMECHANICAL adj. of or like a servomechanism.
SHAVEABLEshaveable adj. Capable of being (easily) shaved.
SHAVEABLE adj. capable of being shaved, also SHAVABLE.
ULTRAHEAVIERULTRAHEAVY adj. very very heavy.
UNACHIEVABLEunachievable adj. That cannot be achieved (or only with great difficulty).
UNACHIEVABLE adj. that cannot be achieved.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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