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There are 20 words containing 2A, D, L, R, U and Z

HAZARDOUSLYhazardously adv. In a hazardous manner.
HAZARDOUS adv. dangerous.
NATURALIZEDnaturalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of naturalize.
naturalized adj. Adopted; granted citizenship; belonging after being introduced.
NATURALIZE v. to confer the rights of a national on, also NATURALISE.
TABULARIZEDtabularized v. Simple past tense and past participle of tabularize.
TABULARIZE v. to tabulate, also TABULARISE.
DENATURALIZEdenaturalize v. (Transitive) To revoke or deny the citizenship of.
denaturalize v. (Transitive) To make less natural; to cause to deviate from its nature.
denaturalize v. (Transitive) To cease to treat as natural.
VASCULARIZEDvascularized v. Simple past tense and past participle of vascularize.
VASCULARIZE v. to cause to become vascular, also VASCULARISE.
DENATURALIZEDdenaturalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of denaturalize.
DENATURALIZE v. to make unnatural, also DENATURALISE.
DENATURALIZESdenaturalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of denaturalize.
DENATURALIZE v. to make unnatural, also DENATURALISE.
DISNATURALIZEdisnaturalize v. (Transitive) To make alien; to deprive of the privileges of birth.
DISNATURALIZE v. to make alien or unnatural, also DISNATURALISE.
UNNATURALIZEDunnaturalized adj. Not naturalized.
UNNATURALIZE v. to undo the naturalisation of, also UNNATURALISE.
CONNATURALIZEDconnaturalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of connaturalize.
CONNATURALIZE v. to make of the same nature, also CONNATURALISE.
DENATURALIZINGdenaturalizing v. Present participle of denaturalize.
DENATURALIZE v. to make unnatural, also DENATURALISE.
DISNATURALIZEDdisnaturalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of disnaturalize.
DISNATURALIZE v. to make alien or unnatural, also DISNATURALISE.
DISNATURALIZESdisnaturalizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of disnaturalize.
DISNATURALIZE v. to make alien or unnatural, also DISNATURALISE.
PARTICULARIZEDparticularized v. Simple past tense and past participle of particularize.
PARTICULARIZE v. to state in detail, also PARTICULARISE.
ULTRAHAZARDOUSultrahazardous adj. Extremely hazardous.
ULTRAHAZARDOUS adj. extremely hazardous.
UNMATERIALIZEDunmaterialized adj. Not materialized.
UNMATERIALIZED adj. not materialized, also UNMATERIALISED.
VERNACULARIZEDvernacularized v. Simple past tense and past participle of vernacularize.
VERNACULARIZE v. to make vernacular, also VERNACULARISE.
DISNATURALIZINGdisnaturalizing v. Present participle of disnaturalize.
DISNATURALIZE v. to make alien or unnatural, also DISNATURALISE.
UNDERCAPITALIZEundercapitalize v. (Economics) To supply with insufficient capital.
UNDERCAPITALIZE v. to capitalize insufficiently, also UNDERCAPITALISE.
UTILITARIANIZEDutilitarianized v. Simple past tense and past participle of utilitarianize.
UTILITARIANIZE v. to make utilitarian, also UTILITARIANISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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