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There are 18 words containing 2A, D, G, N, P and U

APPLAUDINGapplauding v. Present participle of applaud.
applauding n. Applause.
APPLAUD v. to express approval by clapping the hands.
DIAPAUSINGdiapausing adj. Undergoing a diapause.
DIAPAUSE v. in insects and the embryos of some animals, to undergo a period of suspended animation and growth.
AUDIOTAPINGaudiotaping v. Present participle of audiotape.
AUDIOTAPE v. to record on audiotape.
UNPARAGONEDunparagoned adj. (Archaic) Superlative; the best; without equal.
UNPARAGONED adj. unmatched.
UPGRADATIONupgradation n. (Computing, nonstandard, proscribed, chiefly India) Upgrade; upgrading.
UPGRADATION n. the act of upgrading.
APPLAUDINGLYapplaudingly adv. In an applauding manner.
APPLAUDING adv. APPLAUD, to express approval by clapping the hands.
GUARDIANSHIPguardianship n. The office or position of one acting as a guardian or conservator, especially in a legal capacity.
GUARDIANSHIP n. the office of guardian.
PASQUINADINGpasquinading v. Present participle of pasquinade.
PASQUINADE v. to compose a pasquinade.
UNPARADISINGunparadising v. Present participle of unparadise.
UNPARADISE v. to deprive of happiness like that of paradise.
UPGRADATIONSupgradations n. Plural of upgradation.
UPGRADATION n. the act of upgrading.
DECAPSULATINGdecapsulating v. Present participle of decapsulate.
DECAPSULATE v. to remove a capsule from (a part or organ, esp. the kidney).
DEPAUPERATINGdepauperating v. Present participle of depauperate.
DEPAUPERATE v. to impoverish.
GUARDIANSHIPSguardianships n. Plural of guardianship.
GUARDIANSHIP n. the office of guardian.
NONDIAPAUSINGnondiapausing adj. Not diapausing.
NONDIAPAUSING adj. not having a diapause.
POSTGRADUATIONpostgraduation n. (Followed by noun) After graduation; the time after graduation.
POSTGRADUATION n. the period of time following graduation.
DRAUGHTSMANSHIPdraughtsmanship n. UK standard spelling of draftsmanship.
DRAUGHTSMANSHIP n. the craft of draughtsman.
POSTGRADUATIONSPOSTGRADUATION n. the period of time following graduation.
QUADRUPLICATINGquadruplicating v. Present participle of quadruplicate.
QUADRUPLICATE v. to make quadruple or fourfold.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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