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There are 15 words containing 2A, D, G, M, N and Z

DRAMATIZINGdramatizing v. Present participle of dramatize.
DRAMATIZE v. to adapt to dramatic representation; as, to dramatize a novel, also DRAMATISE.
MACADAMIZINGmacadamizing v. Present participle of macadamize.
MACADAMIZE v. to cover a road with small broken stones, also MACADAMISE.
MARGINALIZEDmarginalized v. Simple past tense and past participle of marginalize.
marginalized adj. Subject to marginalization.
MARGINALIZE v. to make marginal, also MARGINALISE.
DEDRAMATIZINGdedramatizing v. Present participle of dedramatize.
DEDRAMATIZE v. to play down the importance of, lessen or keep low the tension or friction caused by also DEDRAMATISE.
DOGMATIZATIONdogmatization n. The process or result of dogmatizing.
DOGMATIZATION n. the act of dogmatizing, also DOGMATISATION.
AGGRANDIZEMENTaggrandizement n. The act of aggrandizing, or the state of being aggrandized or exalted in power, rank, honor, or wealth;…
AGGRANDIZEMENT n. the act of aggrandizing, also AGGRANDISEMENT.
ANAGRAMMATIZEDanagrammatized v. Simple past tense and past participle of anagrammatize.
ANAGRAMMATIZE v. to make into an anagram, also ANAGRAMMATISE.
DOGMATIZATIONSdogmatizations n. Plural of dogmatization.
DOGMATIZATION n. the act of dogmatizing, also DOGMATISATION.
AGGRANDIZEMENTSaggrandizements n. Plural of aggrandizement.
AGGRANDIZEMENT n. the act of aggrandizing, also AGGRANDISEMENT.
DEFAMILIARIZINGdefamiliarizing v. Present participle of defamiliarize.
DEGLAMORIZATIONdeglamorization n. The process of deglamorizing.
DEGLAMORIZATION n. the act of deglamorizing, also DEGLAMORISATION.
DEMAGNETIZATIONdemagnetization n. The process of removing the magnetic field from an object.
DEMAGNETIZATION n. the act of demagnetizing, also DEMAGNETISATION.
DEMATERIALIZINGdematerializing v. Present participle of dematerialize.
DEMATERIALIZE v. to cause to become or appear immaterial, also DEMATERIALISE.
MELODRAMATIZINGmelodramatizing v. Present participle of melodramatize.
MELODRAMATIZE v. to make melodramatic, also MELODRAMATISE.
OVERDRAMATIZINGoverdramatizing v. Present participle of overdramatize.
OVERDRAMATIZE v. to dramatize to excess, also OVERDRAMATISE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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