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There are 16 words containing 2A, D, 2G, I and P

ARPEGGIATEDarpeggiated v. Simple past tense and past participle of arpeggiate.
ARPEGGIATE v. to perform or write in arpeggios.
DIAPHRAGMINGdiaphragming v. Present participle of diaphragm.
DIAPHRAGM v. to fit with a diaphragm.
DISPARAGINGdisparaging adj. Insulting, ridiculing.
disparaging v. Present participle of disparage.
disparaging n. Disparagement.
DISPARAGINGLYdisparagingly adv. Insultingly.
DISPARAGING adv. DISPARAGE, to belittle; to match in marriage with an inferior.
GALLOPADINGgallopading v. Present participle of gallopade.
GALLOPADE v. to dance a gallopade, also GALOPADE.
GLADWRAPPINGGLADWRAP v. to cover with gladwrap.
PAEDAGOGICpaedagogic adj. (Chiefly British spelling) Alternative form of pedagogic.
pædagogic adj. Obsolete form of pedagogic.
PAEDAGOGIC adj. like a paedagogue, also PEDAGOGIC, PEDAGOGICAL.
PARAGLIDINGparagliding n. The sport of gliding with a paraglider.
paragliding n. The use of a paraglider in other settings, such as surveillance or military applications.
paragliding v. Present participle of paraglide.
PARAGLIDINGSPARAGLIDING n. the sport of drifting through the air to the ground while wearing a modified type of parachute, after having been towed into the air by, or jumping from, a plane.
PEDAGOGICALpedagogical adj. Of, or relating to pedagogy; teaching.
pedagogical adj. Haughty and formal.
PEDAGOGICAL adj. of, relating to, or befitting a teacher or education, also PAEDAGOGIC, PEDAGOGIC.
PEDAGOGICALLYpedagogically adv. In a pedagogical manner, like a pedagogue.
PEDAGOGICAL adv. of, relating to, or befitting a teacher or education, also PAEDAGOGIC, PEDAGOGIC.
PROPAGANDISINGpropagandising v. Present participle of propagandise.
PROPAGANDISE v. to subject to propaganda, also PROPAGANDIZE.
PROPAGANDIZINGpropagandizing v. Present participle of propagandize.
PROPAGANDIZE v. to subject to propaganda, also PROPAGANDISE.
RADIOGRAPHINGradiographing v. Present participle of radiograph.
RADIOGRAPH v. to produce a radiograph of.
RADIOPAGINGradiopaging n. The use of radiopagers.
RADIOPAGING n. the use of a radiopager, a radio receiver which functions as a pager.
RADIOPAGINGSRADIOPAGING n. the use of a radiopager, a radio receiver which functions as a pager.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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