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There are 9 words containing 2A, D, E, U, V and Y

ADUMBRATIVELYadumbratively adv. In an adumbrative manner.
ADUMBRATIVE adv. with the character of a sketch or outline.
ADVANTAGEOUSLYadvantageously adv. In a manner which provides an advantage; in an advantageous manner.
ADVANTAGEOUS adv. giving an advantage.
ANTEDILUVIALLYantediluvially adv. In an antediluvial manner.
ANTEDILUVIAL adv. pertaining to the period before the Biblical flood or any great flood, also ANTEDILUVIAN.
AYURVEDAAyurveda n. Traditional Hindu alternative medicine, involving balancing three bodily humours of wind, bile, and phlegm.
AYURVEDA n. (Sanskrit) the traditional system of Indian medicine.
AYURVEDASAYURVEDA n. (Sanskrit) the traditional system of Indian medicine.
CADAVEROUSLYcadaverously adv. In a cadaverous manner; like a cadaver.
CADAVEROUS adv. resembling a corpse, also CADAVERIC.
OVERABUNDANTLYoverabundantly adv. In an overabundant manner.
QUADRIVALENCYquadrivalency n. Synonym of quadrivalence.
QUADRIVALENCY n. the state of being quadrivalent, also QUADRIVALENCE.
VALETUDINARYvaletudinary adj. (Obsolete) Sickly, infirm, valetudinarian.
valetudinary n. (Dated) A sickly, infirm person.
VALETUDINARY n. a valetudinarian.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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