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There are 17 words containing 2A, D, E, K, O and T

COUNTERATTACKEDcounterattacked v. Simple past tense and past participle of counterattack.
counter-attacked v. Simple past tense and past participle of counter-attack.
COUNTERATTACK v. to attack in response to an attack.
DEBARKATIONdebarkation n. Disembarkation.
DEBARKATION n. the act of debarking, also DEBARCATION.
DEBARKATIONSdebarkations n. Plural of debarkation.
DEBARKATION n. the act of debarking, also DEBARCATION.
DEMARKATIONdemarkation n. Alternative spelling of demarcation.
DEMARKATION n. the act of demarking, also DEMARCATION.
DEMARKATIONSdemarkations n. Plural of demarkation.
DEMARKATION n. the act of demarking, also DEMARCATION.
DISEMBARKATIONdisembarkation n. The act of disembarking.
DISEMBARKATION n. the act of disembarking.
DISEMBARKATIONSdisembarkations n. Plural of disembarkation.
DISEMBARKATION n. the act of disembarking.
SKATEBOARDskateboard n. (Sports, recreation) A narrow, wooden or plastic platform mounted on pairs of wheels, on which one stands…
skateboard n. (Automotive) A vehicle chassis format, used for electric vehicles, which holds the drive motors and…
skateboard v. (Intransitive) To use a skateboard.
SKATEBOARDEDskateboarded v. Simple past tense and past participle of skateboard.
SKATEBOARD v. to ride or perform stunts on a skateboard.
SKATEBOARDERskateboarder n. A person who rides a skateboard.
SKATEBOARDER n. one who skateboards.
SKATEBOARDERSskateboarders n. Plural of skateboarder.
SKATEBOARDER n. one who skateboards.
SKATEBOARDINGskateboarding v. Present participle of skateboard.
skateboarding n. The act of riding on a skateboard.
SKATEBOARDING n. the sport of riding or performing stunts on a skateboard.
SKATEBOARDINGSSKATEBOARDING n. the sport of riding or performing stunts on a skateboard.
SKATEBOARDSskateboards n. Plural of skateboard.
skateboards v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of skateboard.
SKATEBOARD v. to ride or perform stunts on a skateboard.
TANKERLOADtankerload n. As much as a tanker can hold.
TANKERLOADStankerloads n. Plural of tankerload.
TOMAHAWKEDtomahawked v. Simple past tense and past participle of tomahawk.
tomahawked adj. Carrying or bearing a tomahawk.
TOMAHAWK v. (Native American) to strike with a short axe.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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