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There are 13 words containing 2A, D, 2E and 2O

AEROHYDROPLANEAEROHYDROPLANE n. a winged hydroplane or flying-boat.
AEROHYDROPLANESAEROHYDROPLANE n. a winged hydroplane or flying-boat.
CEPHALOCHORDATEcephalochordate n. Any of the primitive fishlike creatures, of the subphylum Cephalochordata, including the lancelets…
cephalochordate adj. Of or pertaining to these creatures.
CEPHALOCHORDATE n. any of a number of chordate fishlike animals (including the lancelets and amphioxus), having a persisting notochord projecting beyond the nerve cord to the end of the snout.
DEUTERANOMALOUSdeuteranomalous adj. Having or relating to deuteranomaly.
DEUTERANOMALOUS adj. exhibiting partial loss of green color vision so that an increased intensity of green is required in a mixture of red and green to match a given yellow.
ENDOTHELIOMATAendotheliomata n. Plural of endothelioma.
ENDOTHELIOMA n. a tumour of the endothelia.
LOGODAEDALIESlogodaedalies n. Plural of logodaedaly.
LOGODAEDALY n. verbal legerdemain, esp. in the imaginative or capricious coining of new words.
LOGODAEDALUSESlogodaedaluses n. Plural of logodaedalus.
LOGODAEDALUS n. one skilled in the manipulative use of words.
NONHALOGENATEDnonhalogenated adj. Not halogenated.
NONHALOGENATED adj. not halogenated.
OVERELABORATEDoverelaborated v. Simple past tense and past participle of overelaborate.
OVERELABORATE v. to elaborate excessively.
PALAEOPEDOLOGYpalaeopedology n. Alternative spelling of paleopedology.
palæopedology n. Obsolete spelling of paleopedology.
PALAEOPEDOLOGY n. the study of early soils.
PHOTODEGRADABLEphotodegradable adj. Capable of being chemically broken down as the result of a photochemical reaction.
PHOTODEGRADABLE adj. chemically degradable by the action of light.
REJONEADORAREJONEADORA n. (Spanish) a female rejoneador, a mounted bullfighter who uses rejones, a lance with a wooden handle.
REJONEADORASREJONEADORA n. (Spanish) a female rejoneador, a mounted bullfighter who uses rejones, a lance with a wooden handle.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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