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There are 14 words containing 2A, 2D and 3N

CANNONADEDcannonaded v. Simple past tense and past participle of cannonade.
CANNONADE v. to attack with heavy artillery.
DEADPANNINGdeadpanning v. Present participle of deadpan.
dead-panning v. Present participle of dead-pan.
dead␣panning v. Present participle of dead pan.
DRAGONNADINGDRAGONNADE v. to persecute by troops.
ENDOCANNABINOIDendocannabinoid n. An endogenous cannabinoid, i.e. one produced by the body.
GRANDSTANDINGgrandstanding n. Dramatic or showy behaviour intended to impress an audience or observers.
grandstanding v. Present participle of grandstand.
GRANDSTANDING n. the act of putting on a show, playing to the crowd.
GRANDSTANDINGSgrandstandings n. Plural of grandstanding.
GRANDSTANDING n. the act of putting on a show, playing to the crowd.
INCARNADINEDincarnadined v. (Archaic, literary) simple past tense and past participle of incarnadine.
INCARNADINE v. to make bloodred.
LANDDAMNINGLANDDAMNE v. (Shakespeare) to abuse with violence.
NONCANDIDACIESnoncandidacies n. Plural of noncandidacy.
NONCANDIDACY n. the fact of not being a candidate.
NONCANDIDACYnoncandidacy n. Failure to run as a candidate.
NONCANDIDACY n. the fact of not being a candidate.
NONCANDIDATEnoncandidate n. (Politics) Someone who is not an official candidate for an office.
NONCANDIDATE n. a person who is not a candidate.
NONCANDIDATESnoncandidates n. Plural of noncandidate.
NONCANDIDATE n. a person who is not a candidate.
NONSTANDARDnonstandard adj. Not standard.
nonstandard adj. (Linguistics) Not conforming to the standard variety, or to the language as used by the majority of its speakers.
nonstandard n. Something that is not standard.
NONSTANDARDSnonstandards n. Plural of nonstandard.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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