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There are 19 words containing 2A, C, M, S, T and V

CALMATIVEScalmatives n. Plural of calmative.
CALMATIVE n. a drug having a calming effect.
ADVANCEMENTSadvancements n. Plural of advancement.
ADVANCEMENT n. promotion or elevation to a higher rank or position.
CARMINATIVEScarminatives n. Plural of carminative.
CARMINATIVE n. a drug able to relieve flatulence.
COMPARATIVEScomparatives n. Plural of comparative.
COMPARATIVE n. one that compares with another esp. on equal footing.
EMASCULATIVEemasculative adj. Tending to emasculate.
EMASCULATIVE adj. tending to emasculate.
EXCLAMATIVESEXCLAMATIVE n. a word or sentence that denotes an exclamation.
ULTRAVACUUMSultravacuums n. Plural of ultravacuum.
ULTRAVACUUM n. an extreme vacuum.
COMPARATIVISTcomparativist n. Alternative form of comparatist.
COMPARATIVIST n. one who conducts a comparative study.
OVERDRAMATICSSorry, definition not available.
VOCATIONALISMvocationalism n. An approach to education that seeks to equip learners with vocational skills for the workplace.
VOCATIONALISM n. emphasis on vocational training in education.
CIRCUMVALLATEScircumvallates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circumvallate.
CIRCUMVALLATE v. to surround with a rampart or fortification.
COMPARATIVISTScomparativists n. Plural of comparativist.
COMPARATIVIST n. one who conducts a comparative study.
MEDIAEVALISTICmediaevalistic adj. Alternative form of medievalistic.
mediævalistic adj. (Archaic or archaizing) Alternative form of medievalistic.
MEDIAEVALISTIC adj. related to mediaevalism, also MEDIEVALISTIC.
VOCATIONALISMSvocationalisms n. Plural of vocationalism.
VOCATIONALISM n. emphasis on vocational training in education.
CIRCUMNAVIGATEScircumnavigates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circumnavigate.
CIRCUMNAVIGATE v. to go completely around, as the earth, esp. by water.
COMPARATIVENESScomparativeness n. The state or quality of being comparative.
COMPARATIVE n. of the nature of comparison.
MISAPPRECIATIVEmisappreciative adj. Failing to appreciate properly.
MISAPPRECIATIVE adj. failing to appreciate.
MISVOCALIZATIONmisvocalization n. Incorrect vocalization.
MISVOCALIZATION n. an incorrect vocalization, also MISVOCALISATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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