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There are 11 words containing 2A, C, I, Q and 2T

ACQUITTALacquittal n. (Now rare) The act of fulfilling the duties (Of a given role, obligation etc.).
acquittal n. (Law) A legal decision that someone is not guilty with which they have been charged, or the formal dismissal…
acquittal n. Payment of a debt or other obligation; reparations, amends.
ACQUITTALSacquittals n. Plural of acquittal.
ACQUITTAL n. the act of acquitting.
ACQUITTANCEacquittance n. (Now historical) A writing which is evidence of a discharge; a receipt in full, which bars a further demand.
acquittance n. (Now rare) Payment of debt; settlement.
acquittance n. (Now historical) The release from a debt, or from some obligation or duty; exemption.
ACQUITTANCEDacquittanced v. Simple past tense and past participle of acquittance.
ACQUITTANCE v. (Shakespeare) to acquit or clear.
ACQUITTANCESacquittances n. Plural of acquittance.
ACQUITTANCE v. (Shakespeare) to acquit or clear.
ACQUITTANCINGacquittancing v. Present participle of acquittance.
ACQUITTANCE v. (Shakespeare) to acquit or clear.
AQUACULTURISTaquaculturist n. (Agriculture) A person involved in aquaculture.
AQUACULTURIST n. one who practises aquaculture.
AQUACULTURISTSaquaculturists n. Plural of aquaculturist.
AQUACULTURIST n. one who practises aquaculture.
QUANTIFICATIONquantification n. The act of quantifying.
quantification n. (Economics) The expression of an economic activity in monetary units.
quantification n. (Logic) A limitation that is imposed on the variables of a proposition.
SQUATTOCRACIESsquattocracies n. Plural of squattocracy.
SQUATTOCRACY n. (Australian) the powerful landowning class.
QUANTIFICATIONSquantifications n. Plural of quantification.
QUANTIFICATION n. the operation of quantifying.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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