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There are 19 words containing 2A, C, F, N, S and Y

CRAFTSMANLYcraftsmanly adj. Befitting a craftsman.
CRAFTSMANLY adj. like a craftsman.
FASCINATEDLYfascinatedly adv. In a fascinated manner; with fascination.
FASCINATED adv. FASCINATE, to interest exceedingly, intrigue.
FLAMBOYANCESflamboyances n. Plural of flamboyance.
FLAMBOYANCE n. the state of being flamboyant, also FLAMBOYANCY.
ANFRACTUOSITYanfractuosity n. A winding channel or crevice, such as occur in the depths of the sea or in mountains.
anfractuosity n. One of the fissures (sulci) separating the convolutions of the brain, or, by analogy, in the mind.
ANFRACTUOSITY n. circuitousness, intricacy.
FANTASTICALLYfantastically adv. In a fantastic manner.
fantastically adv. To an extent only in fantasy; outrageously; ridiculously.
FANTASTICAL adv. unreal.
FASCINATINGLYfascinatingly adv. In a fascinating manner.
FASCINATING adv. intriguing.
FAUNISTICALLYfaunistically adv. In terms of the distribution of animals.
FAUNISTIC adv. relating to fauna.
FLAMBOYANCIESflamboyancies n. Plural of flamboyancy.
FLAMBOYANCY n. the state of being flamboyant, also FLAMBOYANCE.
ICHTHYOFAUNASichthyofaunas n. Plural of ichthyofauna.
ICHTHYOFAUNA n. the fish life of region.
SACCHARIFYINGsaccharifying v. Present participle of saccharify.
SACCHARIFY v. to convert into, or to impregnate with, sugar.
CYCLOPARAFFINScycloparaffins n. Plural of cycloparaffin.
CYCLOPARAFFIN n. a saturated hydrocarbon containing a ring of carbon atoms joined by single bonds, aka cycloalkane.
FANTASTICALITYfantasticality n. The quality of being fantastical.
fantasticality n. Anything that is fantastical.
FANTASTICALITY n. the state of being fantastical.
UNCLASSIFIABLYunclassifiably adv. In an unclassifiable way.
UNSATISFACTORYunsatisfactory adj. Inadequate, substandard or not satisfactory.
UNSATISFACTORY adj. not satisfactory.
FLAVOURDYNAMICSflavourdynamics n. Alternative spelling of flavordynamics.
FLAVOURDYNAMICS n. as in quantum flavourdynamics, a mathematical model used to describe the interaction of flavored particles (weak force) through the exchange of intermediate vector bosons.
FUNGISTATICALLYFUNGISTATIC adv. inhibiting the growth of fungi.
SYLLABIFICATIONsyllabification n. The division of a word into syllables.
SYLLABIFICATION n. the act of dividing words into syllables, also SYLLABICATION.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 387 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 1 word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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