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There are 15 words containing 2A, C, F, H, M and S

AFFRANCHISEMENTaffranchisement n. The act of freeing; enfranchisement.
AFFRANCHISEMENT n. the act of affranchising.
CAMSHAFTcamshaft n. A shaft fitted with cams; especially one in a piston engine that activates the valves.
CAMSHAFT n. a shaft fitted with cams.
CAMSHAFTScamshafts n. Plural of camshaft.
CAMSHAFT n. a shaft fitted with cams.
CHAMFRAINSchamfrains n. Plural of chamfrain.
CHAMFRAIN n. a piece of leather, or plate of steel, to protect the head of a horse in battle, also CHAFFRON, CHAMFRON, CHANFRON.
CRAFTMANSHIPcraftmanship n. Alternative form of craftsmanship.
CRAFTMANSHIP n. the attributes of a craftsman, also CRAFTSMANSHIP.
CRAFTMANSHIPSCRAFTMANSHIP n. the attributes of a craftsman, also CRAFTSMANSHIP.
CRAFTSMANSHIPcraftsmanship n. The quality of being a craftsman.
craftsmanship n. An example of a craftsman’s work.
CRAFTSMANSHIP n. the skills of craftsman, also CRAFTMANSHIP.
CRAFTSMANSHIPScraftsmanships n. Plural of craftsmanship.
CRAFTSMANSHIP n. the skills of craftsman, also CRAFTMANSHIP.
HANDCRAFTSMANhandcraftsman n. A handicraftsman.
HANDCRAFTSMAN n. a person who is skilled in handicraft.
HANDCRAFTSMENhandcraftsmen n. Plural of handcraftsman.
HANDCRAFTSMAN n. a person who is skilled in handicraft.
HANDICRAFTSMANhandicraftsman n. A practitioner of a handicraft, usually male.
handi-craftsman n. Alternative form of handicraftsman.
HANDICRAFTSMAN n. a person who engages in a handicraft.
HANDICRAFTSMENhandicraftsmen n. Plural of handicraftsman.
handi-craftsmen n. Plural of handi-craftsman.
HANDICRAFTSMAN n. a person who engages in a handicraft.
SHAMEFACEDshamefaced adj. Bashful, showing modesty or embarrassment.
shamefaced adj. Ashamed, displaying shame, especially by blushing in the face.
SHAMEFACED adj. showing modesty, also SHAMEFAST.
SHAMEFACEDLYshamefacedly adv. In a shamefaced manner.
SHAMEFACED adv. showing modesty, also SHAMEFAST.
SHAMEFACEDNESSshamefacedness n. The characteristic of being shamefaced.
SHAMEFACEDNESS n. the state of being shamefaced.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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