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There are 12 words containing 2A, C, E, 2F and O

SCAFFOLAGESCAFFOLAGE n. (Shakespeare) scaffoldage, also SCAFFOLDAGE.
AFFECTATIONaffectation n. An attempt to assume or exhibit what is not natural or real; false display; artificial show.
affectation n. An unusual mannerism.
AFFECTATION n. the act of taking on an attitude not natural to oneself or not genuinely felt.
AFFECTIONALaffectional adj. Pertaining to the affections; affective; characterized by emotion.
AFFECTIONAL adj. relating to affection.
SCAFFOLAGESSCAFFOLAGE n. (Shakespeare) scaffoldage, also SCAFFOLDAGE.
SCAFFOLDAGEscaffoldage n. The amount of scaffolding needed, or supplied for a specific installation.
SCAFFOLDAGE n. the gallery of a theatre, also SCAFFOLAGE.
AFFECTATIONSaffectations n. Plural of affectation.
AFFECTATION n. the act of taking on an attitude not natural to oneself or not genuinely felt.
AFFECTIONATEaffectionate adj. (Of a person) Having affection or warm regard; loving; fond.
affectionate adj. (Of an action, etc.) Characterised by or proceeding from affection; indicating love; tender.
affectionate adj. (Obsolete) Eager; passionate; strongly inclined toward something.
SCAFFOLDAGESSCAFFOLDAGE n. the gallery of a theatre, also SCAFFOLAGE.
AFFECTIONALLYaffectionally adv. In an affectional manner.
AFFECTIONAL adv. relating to affection.
AFFECTIONATELYaffectionately adv. In an affectionate manner.
AFFECTIONATE adv. having affection or warm regard.
UNAFFECTIONATEunaffectionate adj. Not affectionate; dispassionate.
UNAFFECTIONATE adj. not affectionate.
DISAFFECTIONATEdisaffectionate adj. Not disposed to affection; unfriendly.
DISAFFECTIONATE adj. showing disaffection.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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