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There are 7 words containing 2A, C, 2E, U and X

EXCAUDATEexcaudate adj. (Zoology) Not caudate; without a cauda.
EXCAUDATE adj. tailless.
EXTRACELLULARextracellular adj. Occurring or found outside of a cell.
EXTRACELLULAR adj. situated or occurring outside a cell or the cells of the body.
EXTRACELLULARLYextracellularly adv. In an extracellular manner.
EXTRACELLULAR adv. situated or occurring outside a cell or the cells of the body.
EXTRANUCLEARextranuclear adj. Outside the nucleus.
extranuclear adj. (Biology) Outside the nucleus but within the cell cytoplasm.
EXTRANUCLEAR adj. situated in or affecting the parts of a cell external to the nucleus.
EXTRAVEHICULARextravehicular adj. Relating to, on happening in, the space outside a vehicle, especially a spacecraft in space.
extra-vehicular adj. Alternative spelling of extravehicular.
EXTRAVEHICULAR adj. taking place outside a vehicle (as a spacecraft).
HEXATEUCHALHexateuchal adj. Relating to the Hexateuch of the Bible.
HEXATEUCHAL adj. relating to the Hexateuch, the first six books of the Old Testament.
UNEXCAVATEDunexcavated adj. Not excavated.
UNEXCAVATED adj. not excavated.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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