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There are 12 words containing 2A, C, 2E, P and X

ARCHAEOPTERYXarchaeopteryx n. Alternative spelling of archeopteryx.
Archaeopteryx prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Archaeopterygidae – known from fossils and widely accepted as the…
archæopteryx n. Rare spelling of archeopteryx.
ARCHAEOPTERYXESarchaeopteryxes n. Plural of archaeopteryx.
ARCHAEOPTERYX n. a Jurassic fossil bird of the Archaeopteryx genus, with a long bony tail, sharp-toothed jaws, and wings bearing three clawed digits.
CATAPLEXIEScataplexies n. Plural of cataplexy.
CATAPLEXY n. a condition feigning death, used by some animals to discourage predators.
CEPHALOTHORAXEScephalothoraxes n. Plural of cephalothorax.
CEPHALOTHORAX n. the body, or head with thorax, of spiders, crustaceans, etc.
EXPECTATIONALexpectational adj. Relating to expectation.
EXPECTATIONAL adj. relating to expectation.
EXTRACORPOREALextracorporeal adj. Outside the body.
EXTRACORPOREAL adj. occurring or based outside the living body.
EXTRAHEPATICextrahepatic adj. Originating or occurring outside the liver.
EXTRAHEPATIC adj. situated or originating outside the liver.
HEXACHLOROPHANEHEXACHLOROPHANE n. a bactericide used in antiseptic soaps, deodorants etc., also HEXACHLOROPHENE.
HYPERCATALEXESHYPERCATALEXIS n. the state of being hypercatalectic.
HYPERCATALEXIShypercatalexis n. (Poetry) The addition of one or two syllables to the last foot of a verse.
HYPERCATALEXIS n. the state of being hypercatalectic.
SEXCAPADEsexcapade n. (Humorous) A sexual escapade; an incident or story involving sex.
SEXCAPADE n. a sexual escapade.
SEXCAPADESsexcapades n. Plural of sexcapade.
SEXCAPADE n. a sexual escapade.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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