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There are 17 words containing 2A, B, 2M, T and U

SOMNAMBULANTsomnambulant adj. Walking as if, or while, asleep; sleepwalking.
somnambulant n. A sleepwalker.
SOMNAMBULANT adj. having the habit of walking while asleep.
SOMNAMBULATEsomnambulate v. (Intransitive) To walk while sleeping.
SOMNAMBULATE v. to walk when asleep.
SOMNAMBULANTSsomnambulants n. Plural of somnambulant.
SOMNAMBULANT n. a sleepwalker.
SOMNAMBULATEDsomnambulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of somnambulate.
SOMNAMBULATE v. to walk when asleep.
SOMNAMBULATESsomnambulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of somnambulate.
SOMNAMBULATE v. to walk when asleep.
SOMNAMBULATORsomnambulator n. (Archaic) A somnambulist, or sleepwalker.
SOMNAMBULATOR n. a sleepwalker.
CIRCUMAMBULATEcircumambulate v. (Transitive) To walk around something in a circle, especially for a ritual purpose.
CIRCUMAMBULATE v. to circle on foot esp. ritualistically.
SOMNAMBULATINGsomnambulating v. Present participle of somnambulate.
SOMNAMBULATE v. to walk when asleep.
SOMNAMBULATIONsomnambulation n. (Rare) The phenomenon of sleepwalking.
somnambulation n. (Rare) An instance of sleepwalking.
SOMNAMBULATION n. sleepwalking.
SOMNAMBULATORSsomnambulators n. Plural of somnambulator.
SOMNAMBULATOR n. a sleepwalker.
CIRCUMAMBULATEDcircumambulated v. Simple past tense and past participle of circumambulate.
CIRCUMAMBULATE v. to circle on foot esp. ritualistically.
CIRCUMAMBULATEScircumambulates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of circumambulate.
CIRCUMAMBULATE v. to circle on foot esp. ritualistically.
CIRCUMAMBULATORcircumambulator n. Someone who walks around something.
CIRCUMAMBULATOR n. one who circumambulates.
IMMEASURABILITYimmeasurability n. Synonym of immeasurableness.
IMMEASURABILITY n. the quality of being immeasurable.
INTERAMBULACRUMinterambulacrum n. (Zoology) In echinoderms, one of the areas or zones intervening between two ambulacra.
INTERAMBULACRUM n. in sea urchins, a radial band between ambulacra.
MEDULLOBLASTOMAmedulloblastoma n. (Oncology) A malignant type of brain tumour that originates in the cerebellum.
MEDULLOBLASTOMA n. a malignant tumor of the central nervous system arising in the cerebellum esp. in children.
SOMNAMBULATIONSsomnambulations n. Plural of somnambulation.
SOMNAMBULATION n. sleepwalking.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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