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There are 10 words containing 2A, B, H and 3R

THREADBARERthreadbarer adj. (Rare) comparative form of threadbare: more threadbare.
THREADBARE adj. having the nap worn off so that the thread shows.
HARBORMASTERharbormaster n. (US, nautical) An official responsible for the enforcement of regulations in a port.
harbor␣master n. Alternative spelling of harbormaster.
HARBORMASTER n. one in charge of a harbour.
HEARTBREAKERheartbreaker n. Someone, usually attractive, who flirts with or otherwise enamours a person, but does not reciprocate their love.
heartbreaker n. Something that causes sorrow, grief or extreme disappointment.
heartbreaker n. (Sports) A match which ends in defeat for a promising player or team.
HARBORMASTERSharbormasters n. Plural of harbormaster.
harbor␣masters n. Plural of harbor master.
HARBORMASTER n. one in charge of a harbour.
HEARTBREAKERSheartbreakers n. Plural of heartbreaker.
heart␣breakers n. Plural of heart breaker.
HEARTBREAKER n. one that causes heartbreak.
IRREPROACHABLEirreproachable adj. Free from blame, not open to reproach or criticism; blameless.
IRREPROACHABLE adj. not reproachable.
IRREPROACHABLYirreproachably adv. In an irreproachable manner; blamelessly.
IRREPROACHABLE adv. not reproachable.
MICROBAROGRAPHmicrobarograph n. An instrument for recording minor fluctuations of atmospheric pressure, as opposed to general barometric surges.
MICROBAROGRAPH n. an instrument for recording minute changes in atmospheric pressure.
MICROBAROGRAPHSmicrobarographs n. Plural of microbarograph.
MICROBAROGRAPH n. an instrument for recording minute changes in atmospheric pressure.
THERMOBAROGRAPHthermobarograph n. An instrument for recording simultaneously the pressure and temperature of a gas; a combined thermograph…
THERMOBAROGRAPH n. a device that simultaneously records the temperature and pressure of the atmosphere.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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