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There are 20 words containing 2A, B, F, R and 2S

BREAKFASTSbreakfasts n. Plural of breakfast.
breakfasts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of breakfast.
break-fasts n. Plural of break-fast.
FRAMBESIASFRAMBESIA n. a tropical skin disease, aka yaws, also FRAMBOESIA.
FASTBALLERSfastballers n. Plural of fastballer.
FASTBALLER n. in baseball, one who delivers fastballs.
FLASHBOARDSflashboards n. Plural of flashboard.
FLASHBOARD n. one of a set of boards set up at the sides of a water channel to deepen it.
FRAMBOESIASFRAMBOESIA n. a tropical skin disease, aka yaws, also FRAMBESIA.
BREAKFASTERSbreakfasters n. Plural of breakfaster.
BREAKFASTER n. one who takes breakfast.
FLABBERGASTSflabbergasts n. Plural of flabbergast.
flabbergasts v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of flabbergast.
FLABBERGAST v. to overwhelm with shock, surprise, or wonder.
TRANSFUSABLEtransfusable adj. Capable of being transfused.
TRANSFUSABLE adj. that can be transfused, also TRANSFUSIBLE.
BALSAMIFEROUSbalsamiferous adj. That yields balsam.
BALSAMIFEROUS adj. producing balsam.
BAREFACEDNESSbarefacedness n. The state or quality of being barefaced.
BAREFACEDNESS n. the state of being barefaced.
FAVORABLENESSfavorableness n. Alternative spelling of favourableness.
FAVORABLE n. (US) favourable, also FAVOURABLE.
FIBROSARCOMASfibrosarcomas n. Plural of fibrosarcoma.
FIBROSARCOMA n. a sarcoma formed of spindle-shaped cells in collagenous fibrils.
SUBFACTORIALSsubfactorials n. Plural of subfactorial.
SUBFACTORIAL n. something below a factorial.
FAVOURABLENESSfavourableness n. The state or condition of being favourable.
FAVOURABLE n. conducive to, also FAVORABLE.
ABSORBEFACIENTSabsorbefacients n. Plural of absorbefacient.
ABSORBEFACIENT n. an agent causing or promoting absorption.
ARIBOFLAVINOSESariboflavinoses n. Plural of ariboflavinosis.
ARIBOFLAVINOSIS n. a deficiency disease due to inadequate intake of riboflavin and characterized by sores on the mouth.
ARIBOFLAVINOSISariboflavinosis n. (Pathology) The medical condition caused by deficiency of riboflavin.
ARIBOFLAVINOSIS n. a deficiency disease due to inadequate intake of riboflavin and characterized by sores on the mouth.
BAREFACEDNESSESBAREFACEDNESS n. the state of being barefaced.
FAVORABLENESSESfavorablenesses n. Plural of favorableness.
UNFAVORABLENESSunfavorableness n. The quality of being unfavorable.
UNFAVORABLENESS n. the state of being unfavorable.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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